Yep, you guessed it, another accident. My 09 has been great since the last repair in September. Only bad was a couple of front wheel bearings. Not looking good. The front end damage is bad, but believe it or not still drivable. Dealer estimate is a bit north of $7,200.
Airbags did not deploy. I was down to 5 or 6 mph, but they were accelerating. I was approaching an intersection under construction, I had slowed to about 20. There were cones on my left lined up. What I could not see was a stop sign obscured by the cones and no stop sign on the right. By the time the stop sign was visible it was too late, the minivan was crossing in front of me. The only possible glimmer of hope is that there were other accidents at that intersection in the prior 24 hours, dozens of complaints, and less than an hour after my collision the cones were rearranged and an additional stop sign added to the right side of the lane. Oh, and I have photographic proof.
As far as starting a search for a replacement, not realistic. I've been hit with a series of bad things over the last month. Lost one job due to lack of business which cut income by a little over half, my 87 Goldwing got stolen by a guy who came over to test ride it, and several repairs were needed on my Prius totaling almost a grand. My savings were wiped out.