I received this Email from XMSIRIUS, and then a few days later, the same letter by Post. I have only XM NavTraffic on my Prius IV, and paid $119.00 or so for it for a year, which is to Renew in June. This letter came, almost too good to be true that prices were going down. As you can see below, I am instructed to call them to request the change in pricing. WELL, their "Listener Care agents" do not know about this contract change, and I fought about this my first time I called (Before I got the letter by post), where they said this is not for those without radio service as well. Annoyed by this, I kind of gave up. There was somewhat of a language barrier as well, as I believe I am talking to customer service in the Philippines, and phrases were getting extremely repetitive. Then the letter came today. I called again. The "Listener Care agent" again did not know about the promotion, and I spend 20 minutes explaining what is in the letter, and there is no fine print denying me this deal. She kept telling me not to worry, and that she is getting an error on her screen. I kept telling her there is a failure to communicate and I want a supervisor. FINALLY she sent me to "Customer Support". After spending time with him, he had no clue, kept telling me there is no "Lifetime Subscription" for traffic ....which I wasn't even asking for. Then he changed his story to "There is no deal for a 2nd radio", which I do not have! I kept insisting and reading the letter, offering to forward the email to him! Finally he relented and found somewhere this price change as well as the credits due to me. So finally I will get a BILL, along with a $2.00 invoice charge (Since I refuse to let them auto-renew!) :rockon:. I am letting you all know this, since you will have the fun of talking to them if you want to take part in this price change as well. Wishing you ALL the luck! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • We are writing with good news that will impact your XM NavTraffic service. Our records show that you are currently on a prepaid and recurring XM NavTraffic plan for which you were charged the rate of $9.95 per month. Effective March, 2011, SiriusXM will reduce the price of XM NavTraffic service from $9.95 per month to just $3.99 per month. In addition, the total price for 1-year or longer recurring plans will also include additional discounts equivalent to 1 or more free months. Please note that the NavTraffic service itself is not changing — just the subscription rates. We want to make sure that all of our subscribers benefit from the reduced pricing — not just new ones. If you'd like to convert your current subscription to the new, lower priced plan at this time, please call us at 1-800-XM-RADIO (1-800-967-2346). Our Listener Care agent will apply a prorated credit to your account for any unused period remaining of your current plan* for which you prepaid the higher price, and apply that credit towards the purchase of the new, lower-price plan. We're pleased to extend this savings offer to our loyal subscribers. Please take a moment to call 1-800-XM-RADIO today to take advantage of the new XM NavTraffic subscription rates. Thank you for being a SiriusXM customer. Sincerely, Joe Zarella Chief Service Officer SiriusXM P.S. SiriusXM is not authorized to make changes to your account without your permission, so you must contact us if you want to change your current $9.95 plan to one of the new, lower priced plans. If you decide not to contact SiriusXM at this time, no changes will be made to your current XM NavTraffic service, and your service will automatically renew at the end of your current prepaid term to the lower priced version, at the rate of $3.99 per month. *If applicable, the credit applied to your account will equal the number of months remaining on your current subscription x $9.95 per month, plus applicable taxes and fees, prorated to the date you call. If the credit applied to your account is greater than the cost of the new plan, you may request a refund for the difference. If your existing service is scheduled to renew in less than one month, you may not be eligible for any credits or refunds but your service will renew to the new, lower rate, automatically.
My regular 90 day trial for XM is due to expire tomorrow, the 6th and have decided to let it die after calling twice and trying every trick in the book to get them to lower the regular subscription price. Cajoling, threatening, whining, nothing worked, they must be doing pretty well I guess and can afford to lose a customer. Hopefully after it's cancelled they might make me a decent offer. Not holding my breath.
You do understand that this thread is about XM traffic, not the music, don't you? You are perhaps the only person in the Western Hemisphere that has not been able to get the "special" deal. Maybe you need to sharpen up your bargaining skills.
^you've called them? Perhaps that's the reason they're not budging; they're supposed to call you, on bended knee with arms reaching out. (My XM was suppose to expire 3 days ago and it's still going!)
Received Prius 3 days ago. How do I start a free 90 day trial? On their website is a 7 day free trial, but not 90.
Your 90 day free trial should begin the day you pick up your car if the dealership does its job of notifying XM. If you are receiving XM stations on your SAT channels then your trial is already under way. If not, call XM and give them your radio number to activate. You can find your radio number by going to Channel 0 from the SAT screen.
Thanks. You know, I haven't even checked. I will on way home from work. I doubt I'd ever be a subscriber. I love Pandora and use it a lot. Also there are a number of radio stations (i.e. 1000's) available from iPhone apps.
Is there some way we can get you Pandora disciples to quit posting in the forums? Start your own thread and chat amongst yourselves but please stop posting irrelevant comments in unrelated threads. Thanks.
Just re-read my post that I included the word "Pandora". I was referring to how to get XM to work. btw, it was turned on. Oh, and life's too short to get all bummed out about someone mentioning something as inconsequential as Pandora (which is awesome).
So, I went back and read your original post. Let's look at the first line. "You know, I haven't even checked. I will on way home from work." Hey, here's an original idea. Maybe you might have tried asking your salesman before driving off. Or you could have pulled out the manual. Or maybe even turn the radio on. Did you do any of these things? Of course not. As you state above "You know, I haven't even checked. I will on way home from work." So, I wasn't surprised that you weren't capable of accepting the idea of not posting whatever you feel like in a forum. The reason I'm posting to you is that I suspect that you're the guy who takes offense whenever somebody points out that you really shouldn't park in a handicapped space if you're not handicapped. Your reply is - I'm only going to be a minute and nobody's using it. Or that quick checkout line at the grocery store really doesn't mean it when it says 10 items or less. Instead, you take offense that people are offended by you. I'm already picturing you as that guy driving in the high-speed lane in your Prius, cycling to see how many MPG you can get and wondering why everybody is honking and flipping you off. Unfortunately, the rest of us have to suffer for your inconsideration.
I know I can usually take or leave the music service XM offers nowadays, but the XM traffic is pretty handy. Unfortunately, I was told when I got my car that you needed the music service to have the traffic service - they were not sold separately. I take it that's a falsehood?
That's my understanding. Link to XM Pricing page showing it as individual option. XM NavTraffic Pricing - SiriusXM Radio