Hi there, Just took delivery of our 2006, Package #7, Silver Pine Prius a few weeks ago. Read a lot of these messages when deciding what to buy...and it really helped. THANKS to all of you who took the time to write and share your experiences. Our Prius came "satelite radio ready" but since we took a Prius ordered by someone else, the radio was not installed. We already have an XM account and want to have XM installed on our new Prius. We have run into many brick walls and even our dealer is not sure who is capable of taking care of this for us....have any of you purchased the car ready for XM and then had it installed professionally aftermarket? We do not want to attempt to do it ourselves. Looking forward to continuing to learn on this site.
OK, I know that Circuit City will install stuff like that. Perhaps someone near where you live will have something too. My XM is merely a Pioneer portable so all I needed to install was the antenna.
The one available now has a 10 character limitation on the title and artist lines. The one coming out from Toyota in March-April is not supposed to have that limitation. I'm using a MyFi while waiting.
I purchased one from Coastaletech and put it in myself. Instructions were good and was not that difficult to do. About 2 hours and I've been VERY happy with it.