Sorry for my english, i'm spanish. I built and ELM327, wired to ECU and with bluetooth to my phone. Programming and testing, I discovered the SOC. The SOC (state of charge) of Hybrid battery in Prius Gen3: With ELM327 or similar, you can send "07E2 01 5B" and the answer is something similar to "7EA 03 41 5B 8A" 8Ah=138d/2=69% SOC With SCANGAUGE: 07E2015B 0441855B0000 2808 000A00020000 I don't have scangauge, so i cannot probe this. With my ELM327 is fine, and i see how charge an discharge over the time... I hope this ussefull for you. You can visit Mi Toyota Prius - Tuning Prius 3G and my page Lobato (motoleon) Salu2.