Ok, I have looked everywhere I can look and searched on here and on ScanGauge and can't find the code so I don't think it exists for GenII? The GenIII Prii use a code named "BFM" to display the Battery Cooling Fan Mode which is a number from 0-6 based on the fan speed. Ema has recently had issues with POA84, due to a corroded BM1 connector and POA82 potentially due to the fan motor slowly dying after 400K miles. So, I programmed in the "buf" XGauge this morning to watch the HV battery temp but would also like to monitor the HV Battery Cooling Fan speed but can't find an XGauge for it. Hence the question ... Does it exist for GenII? Any help would be appreciated Chris
Hi Chris, You can translate it from Torque: XGAUGE TXD RXF RXD MTH NAM Note 1 HV Battery Fan Speed 07E321CF 010702EB0321 3808 000100010000 BFS Number 0~6 Vincent
Vincent, So you are saying I can use those various values for TXD, RXF, RXD and MTH and it will give me the speed? If so THANKS!!!!!! Happy driving, Chris
I, too, would love to know the code to display fan speed. The mechanic suggested I get my HV battery fan cleaned and knowing the fan speed would help to determine if it actually needs cleaning. Thanks!
Knowing the actual fan speed will not help with knowing if the fan needs cleaning. The fan speed varies with temperature and car speed. Air flow would help but there is not a parameter for battery fan air flow. The best way to verify is to take the covers off and look. If you do not normally carry pets you probably do not have a problem.
Thanks jdcollins! I thought perhaps if I find the fan always running at top speeds, that might be an indication that it's clogged with hair and junk since the battery is not being cooled down efficiently. If I find the opposite (i.e. always at low speeds), then I can have a better peace of mind. I was going to monitor the temperature of the HV battery too.
You are correct if you monitor battery temp (battery temp 2 is in the middle and is typically the hottest) and battery speed or mode and learn what is normal, then yea you may be able to pick up on fan clogging. Once again pop open the battery electronic cover on the end of the battery and look at the fan if you are overly concerned.
Vincent, THANKS!!!! I finally made the time to program this in to my ScanGauge and can confirm that it does give you the battery fan speed setting. So now I am monitoring both the battery temp (buF) and cooling fan speed (BFS) all the time. Thanks again I appreciate the help. Happy driving, Chris