Dang it, another couple of weeks of switching from "year of the rooster" to "year of the dog." Bob Wilson
The tellers around here have to check really carefully when I deposit a cheque with Chinese characters in the name and date fields... Wire transfers are so much easier!
I still cut an occasional check, in particular big ticket items, contractors. I know I could be getting points, using a credit card. Every plastic transaction is costing the merchant something like 3%? Got at least one full book of checks still in reserve. Can probably count on one hand the cheques per year. We mostly pay cash for groceries, and a few other sundries, too. Hate self-serve "cashiers".
We use so few checks (US spelling) that we waited a year before getting updated ones with our current address. I thought Canada used the spelling cheque. Are Canadians getting lazy now?
Recently, someone called me and asked me to FAX them something. I said, "I'm sorry, I can't FAX you anything because of where I live." "Excuse me? Where do you live that prevents faxing?" "In the 21st century." I feel the same about checks/cheques.
I still write checks for ALL bills (power, phones, etc). Use checks for groceries, etc if it is going to be much over $50. Indeed, wife and I write a lot of checks. I try to keep patient, but I am continually irritated at the grocery store when the people in front of me all are using debit cards and it takes FOREVER to complete their transactions. Much longer than it takes me to have the check ready to go. Of course, I have the check pre-written except for the exact dollar amount, although sometimes, I even have that already filled. And, then there is always the people who stand there blankly as all their purchases are added up and they are presented with the total. THEN -- and ONLY THEN, do they rummage around looking for their debt card, which for some reason never seems to be where they think it might be Yep, I am a bit of an A personality and I HAVE TO WORK on being patient -- but I do try. I am always very patient with the older folks. I may get there someday!
Yes, but the fact remains that she just could have asked me to email the document. And in fact that's just what I wound up doing.
I'm pretty sure I've still got a fax modem dongle around the back of my pc, not enough gumption or brain cells to get in gear and see if it's still functional though. I was handing over fistfuls of 50's and 20's at our local grocery store the other day, and just out of curiousity I asked, what percentage of the transaction are cash these days, roughly: something like 20% they said. Our nearby SaveOn shows a running total as they "ring stuff up", which is good, gives you a heads-up as you're digging out bills. Costco otoh, has a pretty dumb display, shows only the last item price, leaves the kick in the nuts to the end.
Yes, because the law never bothers to keep up with technology. Fact is, a fax machine scans the document every bit as much as a scanner does. Only in the eyes of the legal system is there a difference.
i was around when they passed the law making facsimile contracts, signatures and the like, legal. the same will happen with newer tech.