My '04 Prius Salsa Pearl Package 9 came to me with 2 keys. That's ok for me because I've never lost an ignition key ever in all the years I've been driving. I understand now that losing the ignition/entry key for either the classic or the '04 is very serious business with severe consequences. I figured the sensible thing to do is order an extra one and keep it in a vault somewhere. I also figured maybe about a hundred bucks would take care of it. I just talked to my dealer. I explained to their parts person that I haven't lost the key and all I wanted was an extra one for a spare and WOW! He told me it would cost $247. plus change and the car would be tied up in the shop, perhaps more than a day. Does anybody know anything about this? Does anybody know if I can do better anywhere in northern California? Mercy sakes.. Whatshisname.
Perhaps Bob Allen can jump in on this - he got an extra one for about $160 I think and then his local dealer only charged him $40 to program it. Programming shouldn't take more than 5 minutes, they're on crack if they need your car all day for it.
Did you do some partying in Seattle Danny? That's the second time you've mentioned 'crack' today!! :wink:
I noticed it as I was hitting submit - must just be my word of the day We had a great time in Seattle - I hope to post pics and a quick writeup about the Prius get-together soon. Here's a small glimpse at how great our seats were (this is the end of that Alabama/Stanford thriller)
I believe Conicelli ( will sell the fob for about $180(?). I don't know if the key part also comes with it or not. I didn't see the fob on their website the last time I looked, so maybe you just need to call them. I read somewhere that you should tell them you're a member of the Yahoo Prius group to get the best price. Any dealer in your area can program it for you--shop around for the best price. Hope this helps!
Thanks for the replies. Well, the information didn't help much. It still looks like at least 200 bucks (plus) no matter where I get the spare key. Well, that's life. No spare key for me. Just more vigilance protecting the two I have.