Whenever other folks ask this, I always have an opinion. When it comes to myself, I'm not sure??? Private seller, Non touring 2008 Package 3 - 7600 miles $23,000. Maaaaybe 22,500. What do ya' think? Thanks, Don
Why is he selling it? Does the bank have the title? If bank has it it's a big hassle. I'd just get a new one, if your good at searching you can find one
Thanks for your reply. I don't care about any bank payout problems. I can't find a package 2 in stock for MSRP and NO dealer fees. If I could find a new one without a dealer fee it will cost me 26,255 or approx. $3500 more than the 2008. The owner says he just can't afford it and that Toyota will buy it back for $23,000. I find that a little hard to believe. My response was that I won't go $23,000. I offered $21K and got turned down. Regards, Don
there is a cadillac dealership across the street from us that has a 2007 prius (dont know what package). 26,550 and 23,300 miles on it. thats 2 grand more than we paid for our new prius.
Just wait it out for a couple of moths. Sales always slow down around the holidays, even for the Prius. No sense paying too much for a car.