The photo is from the insurance company report right after the accident in 2015, and has since been repaired. KBB said $11K (low miles) and this one is almost 3K under so wondering if it's worth it, IF: frame is straight no alignment or tracking problem the work was done right by a pro Would you??
This car needs a door, fender, bumper, knee assembly. Possibly headlight, wheel liner. There also looks to be rear damage from the misaligned rear bumper. I think that's more than $3000 of unknowns, better to pass if only saving $3000. If this car is a 2015 Salvage title, it seems to be more damage than what you see on the photo. A 2013 would need more than $10000 worth of damage to be salvaged title by Insurance. It may not even be the car as these pictures can be of any Prius.
I have been driving a 2015 salvage Prius for 5 years. I have had no problems, You need to take the car to a mechanic had have a pre purchase inspection and tell him it is salvage. In 2017 I paid $9000 for my 2015 car and it had 24k miles on it. It now has 79k. I have changed oil, transmission fluid, replaced the original 12v battery, and put tires on it...that's all. I have not yet done any egr cleaning. It was hit on the driver front and I bought it from the body shop that did the repair. Generally you want to pay no more than 65-70% of the book value of the car. Also keep in mind that all warranties will be voided by Toyota, although they will honor and perform recalls. Also, many will say you will have problems getting insurance,,,I had no problem. I have the same coverage as though it is not a salvage title.
Maybe goes without saying, but let him know the specific corner that was stoved-in; you'd really want that inspected closely. Very likely that corner has replaced suspension components, maybe salvage. Show them the pic too.
Attached is how my car looked like when I purchased it in 2014. It was repaired by mechanic shop. My car does not have a rebuilt title. In my case, the bumper, drive-side wheel, foglamp/grill and LED headlight was replaced. I have been driving the car for 8 years. The hood is slightly misaligned, but still works okay. Other than that, I haven't had any other problems due to the damage repair. Your damage is somewhat more severe.
I would suggest watching a few Prius body repair videos from Arthur tassik's youtube channel. You would see which areas require pulling or wielding depending on where the car was hit. He has several Prius videos. Arthur tussik - YouTube (example)