I wonder how many Prius owners would buy another Prius as a second car if they were going to trade in their current second car. Would you buy it or would it be boring to have two of these cars? Any members out there own two Prii?
were on our third, your question?? is that a good answer?2001, 2004,2003 in that order traded in the 2k1 for the 2K4 and then searched out and bought a new 2k3, then sold my Tundra. If I need a truck I'll rent one.
Sold a BMW 325, when I got my 2004 Tideland BC. There is no going back, should save ~$1000.00 a year on gas. My wife drives a Honda CRV, could possibly trade that for a highlander hybrid within the year. We're on a waiting list for one, but the mileage has to be good. Jody Rawles, M.D. Long Beach, CA
Having taken delivery of our first Prius (#3 black) in March. We have enjoyed it so much that 2 weeks ago we put down a deposit on a 2nd Prius. We were told that the wait may be as much as 18 months. Hope the Honda CRX with 200,000 mi. will hold out. :mrgreen:
My wife likes my Prius so much she is considering selling her Volvo S80. I've placed our name on the Highlander list and will probably go that route for a larger vehicle since we often haul a lot of people.
We would buy a second Prius in a heartbeat if we needed another new car and we could get one. My wife really liked the Salsa when we took our test drive. Perhaps in a few more years when her Acura CL needs replacing. Jeff
I would've loved Jason to get one, but he went for the Altima (his car was on its last leg, couldn't wait). Now he's grumpy about gas, even though the Altima's not that bad, and he's thinking about talking to his dad about an Escape Hybrid (dad's a Ford dealership CFO - he couldn't afford the Highlander and doesn't want two of the same car...whatever.)
No...but only b/c it's just not suited to our needs. BUT, we'll almost certainly buy a Highlander hybrid in 2006 and, if my Prius got crunched I'd probably get another to replace it. My only hesitance is that I'll soon have a family of 5 and squeezing 3 growing kids in the back will be a bit tight. Still, for a family of 4 and my usual commute it's ideal.
I'll just say that I wouldn't hesitate to buy a second Prius if one of our other vehicles needed to be replaced. We have no such need, currently, but it would definitely NOT be boring to have two (or more) of these cars.
would you buy a second Prius? two people asked me about my Prius last week at Home Depot. both said they had long commutes, and wanted to replace gas hogs, but both also said that they liked the idea of the Prius as a second car that you could fit the whole family into to go shopping, movie, etc. hello, Toyota Marketing?
My '04 is our second Prius. My husband drives the '02. We liked the '02 so much that we put on names on the list for the '04 in August. We have no intention of getting another new car for at least 7 or 8 years and would look at Prius again.
Our family is a two Prii family. Our Salsa '01 Classic with 50,000 miles. He loves his Classic, but if you are asking if he would rather have an '04.......you bet! Bob
In a heart beat... if the spouse's car were due for replacement. ('02 Camry). Yeah... we're going from Ford/Mercury family to Toyota family... mostly due to the uncredibly positive ownership experience provided by ford motor company and subsidiaries. makes it real hard to buy american casc ''04 driftwood am... ordered 29 DEC'03 RX 10 Apr 04'ish
I can't drive two cars at once, so if I was going to buy a second car it would be something different. I'd buy a tzero from AC Propulsion if they actually sold them. But as long as the tzero is merely a concept car I have no interest whatsoever in a second car. On the other hand, if something happened to my Prius I would replace it with another Prius, assuming I could still actually get one. There's nothing out there I'd want instead.
When the time comes, I'll probably replace the 2000 Camry with either a Camry Hybrid or Corolla Hybrid. It depends on whether my wife gets confortable with the Prius as the road trip car.
So far we love our Prius. It's the right car for this point in our lives. But I expect that our needs will change as the years go by. I hope and expect that there will be other hybrid options available when we are next ready to buy our next car.
I went from a 91 Honda Accord EX (after owning an 81 Honda Accord followed by an 86 Honda Accord) to my 04 prius last December. My wife and I are in love with the Prius and she is looking to trade in her Honda Odyssey mini-van on a Sienna hybrid as soon as one is available. Rick 04 Salsa Red BC Maryland
Denfintely want another one My wife and I have already decided to get another Prius so we can become an all Prius family.