from the New York Times (requires currently free subscription) By CHARLES DUHIGG and JANET ROBERTS Published: February 28, 2010 Thousands of the nation’s largest water polluters are outside the Clean Water Act’s reach because the Supreme Court has left uncertain which waterways are protected by that law, according to interviews with regulators. Toxic Waters - Rulings Restrict Clean Water Act, Hampering E.P.A. - basically, if they can get away with not spending money to clean up their act, the wont. its time to put real laws on the books and make business do it AT ANY COST!!!
Capitalism makes a religion out of greed. And when your religion is greed, you will do anything you can get away with to make money. Note that within the capitalist paradigm, it would be malfeasance to operate a clean plant, or clean up a mess, if doing so would reduce your profit. Management ethics requires them to despoil the land and the nation for profit. The problem is the capitalist ethic itself. Note that Paul said "The love of money is the root of all evil." He did not say that money is evil, but rather that the love of it is evil. And not merely evil, but the root of all evil! The love of money is synonymous with "the profit motive," which is the basis and guiding principle of capitalism, and in the American socio-political system, the profit motive is taken to be the greatest good. In other words, capitalism is not only unChristian, it is the antithesis of Christianity. Capitalism is, from the point of view of the founder of orthodox Christianity, PURE EVIL!!! Of course, the strength of capitalism is human greed. And since greed is more powerful than altruism, capitalism triumphs.
No subscription is "required" if you stick a high redirect count on the end of any NYT link, a la "_r=10". So a slight mod of what you posted goes straight to the article without any BS: Toxic Waters - Rulings Restrict Clean Water Act, Hampering E.P.A. - this works for just about any link you run into. Without the redirect counter, your browser thrashes back and forth between a bunch of different pages, where "_r" gets incremented on each hit, and once it gets up around 8 or 9 you finally get the bits you were looking for. It's idiotic, but easy to bypass. . _H*