So midway through this tank I started working on P&G, having installed a tachometer recently. The tank average has been coming up, and I achieved this (see attached) yesterday. I'm really looking forward to the next tank, where I'll start from 0 with the P&G. I'm really surprising myself with it. I used to try to baby the throttle and continuously use the engine at the highest MPG number possible. Now I've been sticking in the 1.5k-2k range as much as possible for engine on, with engine-off glides as much as possible. I think I'm struggling though, for times when it's problematic. Sometimes either the terrain doesn't agree with P&G or my rhythm is off, and also occasionally the engine is stubborn about turning off, even when I've previously glided during the trip and the SOC is good. I've also been completely avoiding exceeding 2k RPM if I'm not on the highway, and limiting to 4k for even the quickest acceleration (like certain short highway on-ramps where entering too slow would be dangerous). Further advice or feedback? Ninja edit: And of course, I typo'd the thread title. I intended "Working on Pulse & Glide"
I agree there seems to be a perfect pulse. My 05 seems to know I'm going from 0-40 or 40 - 70 and will use extra battery. I find this to be the case when the battery indicator is over 1/2 full. Freeway too I can get better gas using the battery. I use my ear as a tachometer though. iPhone ?
Update: At 219 miles after errands today, I brought the tank average up to 50.5 mpg, indicating a 56mpg run on the 58 miles I drove today.
If you are getting that kind of mileage, you are well into the zone of diminishing returns. Well done there. However, you don't want to take away attention from defensive driving to get what might amount to a few pennies. While I admit that playing the Prius video game is fun, so is just relaxing and enjoying the scenery.
Yeah, I too worry a bit about people being glued to their MFDs or listening so carefully to their engines that they ignore what's going on in front of them. It's just ironic because most people here would never think of texting while driving, though this almost amounts to the same amount of distraction. Nexus 4 ?
Here's some info you need to know too scallywag. If you get your car into S4, it will always glide with the engine off. This is done by warming up the engine and stopping for 7-10 seconds (engine must be running when stopped if it isn't, hold one foot on brake and give it gas until the ice fires up). Read this
Ah, the stages. I've read this before, but it doesn't hurt to review. Is there any way for the car to revert from S4 to an earlier stage? Perhaps if engine temperature drops below a certain threshold? I've noticed when I'm using a lot of gliding, sometimes the engine is only on 20-25% of the time. And it is after what I've understood as the transition to Stage 4 occurs that I'll have difficulty getting the engine off for a glide. Maybe I'm just mistaking the behavior for something else (engine runs for 5-10 seconds at a stop, then turns off).
Yes, it can revert to an earlier stage from S4 if the engine cools. I usually avoid this by forcing the engine to run periodically.