well, my dealer just tole me that my car has been allocated to them by Toyota. he seemed to think this is a big step and that i should have it within 2 weeks. any other folks have more experience with this stage? what happened to you?
A ship should be landing in NJ today or tomorrow. Yours is likely on it. Mine arrived on the 17th and I picked it up on Friday, the 28th of May. Good luck.
i have 2 vicious pug dogs to protect me at all times (see http://www.aaronstein.com/aaphoto.htm) and my house is surrounded by a moat as well.
an interesting side note, and take this with whatever grain of salt you wish, my salesperson in WV said that they owners of the dealerships there were at a meeting last week and were asked NOT to keep selling the cars out of state unless they charge the going rate in the buyer's home area. interesting, but as i said, take it for what it's worth, coming as it does from a salesperson
thanks manny. but as i said to my salesman, i'm not counting my west virginia chickens until they are hatched. by the way, peeled baby carrots will get you further with my dogs... they are a little weird
and i got my keychain today in the mail! it doesn't get much better than this, at least until i actually get the car
My car must be on the same ship I got the call too I was told it would be trucked down from there and could expect it the week of 6/15 Chris
i think it started with the usual 'dogs will eat just about anything'... we always keep bags of those little carrots in the fridge for snacks, so now they go nuts whenever someone is eating a carrot.
I had a girlfriend who had a Pug. He loved grapes. Problem was, the Grapes gave him terrible Farts. I was under orders never to give the dog Grapes. But, somehow, whenever we had a fight, there always seemed to be some Grapes lying around in the open afterwards. I'm just evil I guess and will probably be punished in a subsequent life for that
yeah, we had a dog who got the same condition from raisins. one day we came home from a day trip and the house smelled like somebody had died... then we found the remains of a small box of raisins...