is it possible to wire a 220v socket to the battery..[we use 220v in ireland].....since the battery has that voltage. useful for boiling a kettle or something like that. i would'nt know where to start..any ideas?
The battery voltage is DC, and the Building wiring is AC. It might work for some strictly heating appliances, but safety would be a hurge concern, and the car and many appliances might be damaged. The only way to safely do this is to have someone who really understands the Prius and electrical circuits add an axuillary invertor to change DC to AC and with a plug for the 220 Vac, a maximum current rating and overload protection to prevent fires if you accidently plug in too large of a load. And you will want to leave the Hybrid Synergy Drive system on while you are using it so the Internal Combustion Engine can keep the 12 V battery charged