Is the gas tank in the '07 Prius a plastic bladder? In the Toyota truck, I use a bottle of Heet (brand), an alcohol de-icer when the temperatures freeze, thaw, freeze. My question is about whether or not to use the product in a Prius.
It's not advisable to use in the Gen II Prius. You probably won't have a problem with ice in the Prius tank.
Many of us commonly use de-icer in our tanks, aka ethanol. Here in Minnesota, it's been that way for about 20 winters now and Prius have worked just fine. Adding Heet to non-blended gas would likely work fine too. .
If your fuel has ethyl alcohol in it (and it does) you don't need to add "deicer". Most deicers are isopropyl alcohol, some even use methyl hydrate. Neither are good for the car. Stick with ethyl alcohol (ethanol e10 fuel).