Well, it all started out when I bought my Barcelona Red Baby!, I then found this great group of "Chatters", In support I bought a Priuschat.com decal for the car. I tell everyone I see who drives a Prius about this site!! Anyway, after repeated washings, rain , sun, Priuschat.Com became "rius hat. om" Needless to say it was just plain GOOFY! I always thought the font was just too small, 1" I went exploring and found this site ... eDecals.com Custom Instant One Line Decal Designer You can custom design anything you want to say into a cool decal. Mine is 1.75 hi and 16" long. Cleverly enough they have a lot of different fonts to choose from, many colors, Drop Shadow or Outline in different colors. Makes for a really nice accent. They have other types of decal work to choose from also, check 'em out. I choose White with a RED Drop shadow that is pretty much a great color match for the Barcelona red! The glue seems MUCH stickier than the other decal, and the size increase just makes it that more readable. Besides, this way I can stick my callsign out there so if someone does log in, They might see my posts and hopefully drop a line!! Prius Chat Rocks, Waddya Think?
I'm having all sorts of trouble...to get the 1.5 or 1.75" high letters it keeps trying to make it something like 30" long, if I change the lenght it makes the letters smaller. I have the "keep to scale" checked, did you undo that?
Looks nice, I will investigate. As far as your call sign. I am also a ham operator, KF4YUN, but have not read any good things about using the radio in the car due to the strong electrical intererence from the hybrid battery. Are you operating mobile from the car?
Yeah that thru me for a loop too. It appears that their system is not too good at scaling. That being said, I got what I ordered!! 1.75 High X 16 Long. I did uncheck the keep to scale. The appliction was very easy, and they supplied a plastic scraper to squeege the air bubbles out! Great color and font selection!!
Cool, then I'll go with 1.5" height (yours is just a tad bigger than I want) and probably the same 16" length, same font, light gray letters and med. blue shadow. I think the price is very reasonable for what you get and so easy to order and customize.
Yes I have 2 meter, and 440. I mounted a Diamond Dual band on the trunk lip, observed good grounding and installation procedures. I also run a Bearcat BCT15 scanner, I split the FM antenna, feed the FM as well as the Scanner and that works equally well. No RF noise to bother me, and a great SWR for XMIT!