I want to transport a heavy vacuum cleaner (still in its rectangular shipping box: about 27 lbs.) about 15 miles. I will be folding down both rear seats. So the weight will be borne at 3 pressure points: under the rear end of the box (below the rear window), and the right & left sides of the 2 folded seatbacks. Those seatbacks are what I'm worried about damaging. As I press down on the material, the structure doesn't seem very strong & solid. Am I needlessly concerned? Feedback, please, from those of you who have carried heavy stuff.
I did a 400-mile drive recently with the back seats down and some pretty heavy stuff loaded, and had no problems.
no problems. just make sure you don't have any articles on the seats that may puncture the surface when folded.
Not an issue. The backs of the seats lean against the material on which you actually sit, just as if you sat down on them. I've loaded about a hundred pounds of boxes for work trips and extra items for every crevice I could find.