Just got a new Prius and always wanted to have really dark "limousine" tint on all the windows, but I'm worried that it might lower the value when I get ready to sell (most likely in about 5 years)...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(local_host @ Feb 21 2007, 10:40 PM) [snapback]394322[/snapback]</div> Yes, it will. When I was in college, I was friends with a guy who sold cars. He once told me, and I am inclined to believe it, that anything that changes the car noticeably from stock is going to lower the value when it comes to sell. There are exceptions to every rule, of course, but mods like that make it harder to sell to the public at large.
I think it'll depend a lot on who's gonna buy it. A business guy conscious of appearance and concerned about getting cited for having illegal tint won't buy or will pay less. A HS kid who thinks it looks cool and wants to paint flames on the sides might pay extra. IMO, don't worry about it. Do what pleases you.
My daughter bought her car in one state where it was tinted to prevent the sun from ruining the leather uphostery. Then she moved to another state and it wouldn't pass inspection because of the dark tint on her windows. So she had to pay a butt load to get it "untinted" before they would pass it for inspection so that she could get the car registered. Might want to think about it before changing the tint on the windows.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(local_host @ Feb 21 2007, 09:40 PM) [snapback]394322[/snapback]</div> I don't think it hurts resale *that* much, it's your car, you should enjoy it the way you want it. And in TX, it might actually help resale by protecting the interior from the sun and heat.
I would buy a car with tinted windows over a car without tinted windows. As for the person that payed a buttload to remove the tint. Why would you pay someone to pull off the tint? It's not hard to grab an edge and pull. :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(BORNGEARHEAD @ Feb 21 2007, 08:19 PM) [snapback]394367[/snapback]</div> Nowaday majority VAN and SUV in California are Tinted (not the front windows).
if you put limo tint on it, it'll probably be illegal in most states. i don't know all the states' tint laws but most have a minimum light transmission percentage allowed. fyi, texas allows down to 25% on all side windows, anything goes on the rear. http://www.tintcenter.com/laws/TX/ since your state doesn't allow you to go to 5%, then chances are it will dock your resale value- the new owner may not want to deal with equipment tickets, etc, and it is costly to have the tint removed professionally. of course, if you find someone with similar taste who wants the limo tint, you're set then also keep in mind, what's your tint gonna look like in 5 years? if you get a good quality tint it should still look ok. if you get a crappy tint, it could be fading or bubbling, and that'll dock ya. i say consider the percent transmission, modify if you choose to, and go for it.
It would probably discourage me from buying a used car, but only because I know I would have to remove it to like the car. I've done this before -- the back window on a car can be a pain in the butt to remove the film but if you search the web (think amonia, plastic bag, park in sun, return later and peal off) you can do it. Mom's car had that sort of purpleish tint to it with bubbles forming on the back window. Glad to get that crap off. (without messing up the defogger or using a razor blade)
<_< Beryl - Texas has some "tint percentage" requirements for certain parts of the auto glass. Of course, I do agree that the Texas sun can be brutal. My other problem with after-market tinting is its susceptability to scratching, and since some tinting contains metal elements it can interfere with GPS signals. As for me, I wouldn't consider buying a car, new or used, with after-market tinting.
So, not only will it be probably illegal as said by galaxee, but it'll look more ghetto. Why do you want to do that to your Prius and resale value?
I doubt it will decrease the value any. However, here in Tennessee it will net you a $200 ticket. Trust me. I could post a copy of the ticket if I could find it. Oh yeah, BTW, I had the tint removed and replaced with "legal" tint for $200. I'm hoping the judge will throw it out.
I guess I must be a HS school kid at heart. E-V-E-R-Y car I buy I tint the windows, mostly because I don't want deal with hot legs or a sun burn while on road trips. I go with 20% all around except the front window of course.legal limit in Colorado is no less than 75% on the windows to the left and in front of the driver and the rear are free for all. (but don't quote m, I havn't had to answer that question at work for a while now) I love the look of a white car body with pitch black windows. oh yeah. The only way that I could think of that would cause the resale value to lower, is when the tint starts to fade and turn grey or if you used cheap tint---purple.