Toyota is starting to roll out a hybrid version of the Corolla, which is pretty much just the Prius hybrid shoved into a Corolla and the price seems to be pretty close to the Prius. The Corolla comes across as more of a regular car with a Prius hybrid and the Prius comes across as a special car. And I already know that there are threads discussing if a Corolla and the Prius will end up fighting each other. So here's my questions. 1) Do you think that Toyota is planning on just getting rid of the Prius if it doesn't sell well enough during this change. 2) Do you think that that Toyota is planning on doing something later on to increase the appeal of the Prius over it's own regular cars with something that the regular cars don't offer. What I think might happen. 1) I think it is possible that since Toyota already has the Prius Prime (Plug in Prius) then maybe they might get rid of the Prius but keep the Prius Prime. That way for that price range they would expect people to buy the Corolla but the Prius Prime becomes the new Prius. or 2) What I think might happen is that they are planning on later on once the Prius sales tank hard from competing with the Corolla, they finally turn the Prius into a full EV. or 3) The Prius will be awd competition in hybrid form and the Prius Prime will become the full EV?
Q1, Probobly Not its kinda like a heritage thing and there will always be a well "demand" for the Prius Q2, Again probably i mean honda has proved to make a good looking hybrid with good L/100Km, (Canadian MPG)Only reason why I wouldn't buy is hondas history with hybrids (NOT GOOD Q1",Yeah but people like prui (Plural Prius) I think... WOuld a hybrid Corola be on prius chat? Prob not, the hybrid CamryQ2 or Highlander arent. Q2", Maybe but that wouldn't be a Prius I mean they already used prime and they gonna say Prius extra Prime Q3" ??????