Wide boots -- Probably wrong place to ask, but...

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by cyberpriusII, Aug 21, 2020.

  1. cyberpriusII

    cyberpriusII Prodigyplace says I'm Super Kris

    Oct 1, 2009
    2008 Prius
    So, some of you may know I was in an car accident about 18 months ago. The plus side is that my right leg and foot are about double the side of the left leg/foot. Something about having right leg shoved up and under and twisted under the dashboard.

    So, I have been marginally doing O.K. (a relative assessment), but in the past few weeks my right foot has swollen a bit more than normal and does not seem to want to cooperate and shrink.

    Docs shrug and say blood vessel and nerve damage, good luck. Not much to do.

    I like to walk. I NEED to walk. I NEED to take my pack of hounds out on nightly expeditions to terrorize the turkeys, squirrels and deer. But, the pain is so great, I have been unable to do that for THREE weeks.

    Walking does not bother me (well, again relative). It is the swelling that is the limiting factor. And, the issue is that my right boot -- a Danner extra wide -- is just not wide enough. If I had a wide enough boot....

    So, in the unlikely event any of you have any experience with said condition (I do wear a compression sock) would you please be so kind to share. At the moment I have a box of six boots arriving later today from ZAPPOS in the unlikely event any of them will help.
    #1 cyberpriusII, Aug 21, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2020
  2. jerrymildred

    jerrymildred Senior Member

    Oct 28, 2016
    Tampa, FL
    2017 Prius
    That sounds MISERABLE. Have you thought about seeing a podiatrist, or was that one of the docs who just shrugged?

    I would imagine that it's virtually impossible to find a boot that gives decent support at the start of the walk and doesn't crush your foot after it swells up.

    One thing does occur to me. Mukluks. Mukluk - Wikipedia They might be too warm for summer, but I used a pair in high school when hiking in the Colorado Rockies in winter and they were supremely comfortable.

    Hope you figure out something. I love to walk, too, so I get how frustrating it must be for you, not to mention your dogs.
    Mendel Leisk and cyberpriusII like this.
  3. cyberpriusII

    cyberpriusII Prodigyplace says I'm Super Kris

    Oct 1, 2009
    2008 Prius
    Hmm, mukluks were never on the page. You are right, probably too warm, but I will look into them.

    At the moment, I may have stumbled onto a pair of wides that are actually wide. I had ordered an assortment of boots from ZAPPOS back in June, but none of them were as "wide" as advertised, so they all went back.

    The shipment I received yesterday were all last resort and they were all failures until I got to the last pair in the box -- A pair of Merrell's.

    A bit pricey at $140, but they seem just wide enough in the toe area, where most of the problem lies. Just looking at them I could tell they were much wider than all the other "wides." Wore them in the house for five hours and all seemed good. They will get another house wearing this afternoon when foot reaches maximum size, then, maybe, a hike on Sunday.

    And, yes, getting boots locally would seem logical, but being in rural Oregon, very few retailers that have "real" boots and those that do, don't typically stock wide widths.

    And, lots of places are not allowing "trying on" with the pandemic.

    bwilson4web and jerrymildred like this.
  4. vvillovv

    vvillovv Senior Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Plus
    flip flops - sandals - anything inexpensive you can get in the bigger size.

    wearing shoes that are too small is very painful and probably causes lots of other issues.
    besides getting a shoe to fit, soaking in epsom, cold compress hot compress even modified graston using your fingers.
    raising your feet also seems to be recommended when they are swollen.
    Sitting for long periods will make the swelling worse. Don't ask me how I know.
    A chiropractor or physical therapist might be able to offer more then what you mentioned your doc offered.
    I hope you find something that works for you in your recovery kris...
    cyberpriusII likes this.
  5. Montgomery

    Montgomery Senior Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    Orange County, CA
    2015 Prius
    At my job (I am on furlough right now), it was not unusual for me to walk 8 to 10 miles a day and spend most of my day on my feet. My right foot has always been slightly larger than my left foot. During the summer, my feet would swell, with my right foot killing me within 2 hours of my 10 hour shift. So I got creative. Every shoe comes with a sewn it sole. I tore out the sole on the right shoe and replaced it with a sole from a store called "The Good Feet" Store. Arch Supports - Orthotics | The Good Feet Store. They have this miracle pad that completely takes the pain away and reduced the swelling.

    But, I didn't stop there. I bought a boat load of Dr. Scholls heavy duty walking foot pads to place on top of the special sole (I would try one and see if it felt like my foot was sinking into a mattress,......aaaahhhhhh!) and add one as necessary to get that "cushy" feel). Then I had to buy extra wide shoes. This worked for me. Foot pain sucks. Hopefully this works for you. Oregon has a store in Eugene, Salem and of course Portland. I would visit a store as they only sell shoes that eleviate foot pain. They sell all styles! Work, Dress, excercise, hiking. Go to the website and read up on them. I really hope this helps you!!
  6. cyberpriusII

    cyberpriusII Prodigyplace says I'm Super Kris

    Oct 1, 2009
    2008 Prius
    Thanks all for the replies!!!!

    Sounds as if some of you know the agony of "de-feet!"

    The Merrills have been great. I really need "real boots." I walk in areas that -- well -- most of the time are not real trails, but game trails that the dogs decide to follow. Rough, lots of detritus, rocks, branches, etc. that need to be navigated around, over, under....

    I do have some not "attractive" city shoes that I can wear to work and town and they actually are O.K. It was the hiking boots where I was finding agony. And, the funny thing is, I have been walking again since March 2019, but it has only been the last month or so that my right foot decided to be a pain and my usual Danner boots put me in agony.

    Montgomery, jerrymildred and vvillovv like this.