Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by daniel, Dec 24, 2010.

  1. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    So I decided to set up a wi-fi network. My cable modem only has one output, so I connected the cable modem to the brand new AirPort Extreme, and plugged the computer's Ethernet into the AirPort. Setting up the AirPort and the network was easy as pie.

    With the new network set up, I connected the iPod Touch to the wifi and launched the NetFlix app and was able to watch a program. I was surprised, given the speed of my internet, that a few times the program paused for a half a minute or so. So I downloaded the speed test app, and my download speed was around one mbps.

    So I went to the iMac, which was connected to the AirPort via Ethernet cable, and I ran a speed test from speedtest-dot-net. It was 2.46 mbps download. That was VERY odd. So I unplugged the AirPort and plugged the iMac back into the cable modem and ran the same speed test and I got 38 mbps, which is in line with what I generally get from this modem.

    What's going on??? I suppose wi-fi is not capable of the speeds of my modem, but why doesn't it allow the throughput to Ethernet? Is the AirPort telling the cable modem to slow down???

    If I got a router so I could plug both the iMac and the AirPort directly into the modem, via the router, would I be able to get my fast speeds to the computer while running the AirPort?

    Does this post make any sense?
  2. a_gray_prius

    a_gray_prius Rare Non-Old-Blowhard Priuschat Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
    It's almost laughable how many times Apple products are mentioned in your post. Don't take it too personally, but it makes you sound like a desperate fashionista: "I wore my Gucci shoes with my Fendi bag and Burberry dress!"

    In any case, sounds like the AirPort Extreme (EXTREME!!!!!!! - Lmao) is doing a pretty bad job NATing. Maybe some funny firewall rules got put together that's causing it to do more work than it has to. Happy holidays!
  3. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    I mentioned the specific hardware I am using. If I didn't, everyone would ask what hardware I'm using. I selected the AirPort because I imagined it would be more likely to be compatible with my other Apple hardware, and because on Amazon, it was the only wi-fi router that got consistently good reviews from users. The others get mediocre reviews at best. On Monday I'll phone Apple, and if I cannot get better speed out of it, I'll send it back.

    But I very often find simple solutions to electronics problems by posting here.
  4. Ogo

    Ogo Prius Owner since 2008

    Aug 23, 2008
    Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia
    2016 Prius
    Hmm, weird. I use Apple's Airport Extreme base station and it works fine for me on both Apple and non Apple hardware, both for good old standard IPv4 and new IPv6 connectivity.

    My VDSL modem is connected to WAN port on Airport Extreme port while everything else is connected to Airport Extreme via WLAN.

    What you might check, start up the AirportUtility, go Manual Setup, select Internet tab, then in Internet Connection settings check your settings for Ethernet WAN Port. I have it on Auto, you can try cycling between various 100 Mbps settings.

    You might also try reflashing the base station with latest firmware from Apple and rechecking the settings.

    Like with any other hardware product in the world there is a chance that you got a lemon. But like I said, for me Airport Extreme works fine.

  5. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    If he hadn't told us what hardware he was using, someone like you would assume he is running Windows and tell him to check his registry or something equally as unhelpful.

    I don't have a easy solution for you Daniel, but you might try the Apple forums to see if others are reporting the same issue with the Apple Airport Extreme. I have an older version of the Airport Extreme with 802.11g and I'm getting about 7.1Mbps on my laptop. (It's a MacbookPro, for those of you who get off on the mention of Apple products). :madgrin:
  6. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    I had never looked at the Manual Settings page before. I looked at it, but didn't change anything. Decided to do another speed test first. This time the iMac got a very respectable 17 mbps download, and the Touch got a 2.57 mbps, which is 2/12 times what it was showing yesterday!

    I'd be inclined to blame the ISP (Comcast) except that yesterday when I connected the Mac directly to the cable model I was getting 35 mbps. I tested via the AirPort several times before and after.

    But it might all turn out to be moot: The reason I wanted the higher speeds was for streaming NetFlix to the Touch, and thence, via an AV cable, to the projector. The AV cable arrived today (I had to drive to FedEx to get it) and the video does not transmit. Then I found out that apparently NetFlix supports video out on the 4th gen iPod only, and I'm pretty sure I don't have that, because mine doesn't have a camera on it.
  7. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    AirPort Extreme uses a Broadcom chipset. By default the ACK settings are probably pretty high. Apple products generally have poor wireless performance. They are form over function and it shows. Airports do not allow you to change any of these settings, so you are stuck with it. How close is the router to the PC? If it is too close, it wont work well.

    And wifi is not too slow. I have a 100mbps/22mbps Comcast connection running through a DD-WRT'ed E3000 at 300mbps. I get about 50mbps to 60mbps download speeds consistantly, burst of more over a very congested network. Your 38mbps down speed is burst mode from Comcast. You need to download a 100Mb or more file to truly get your speed ratings, and of course from a server that can handle your speed.

    You just need good hardware. You keep buying "high end" stuff that is NOT high end but looks good.

    Im not sure you can even change your channel with an airport, but I would try that. Channel 6 is common and if your neighbours are all on 6 as well, then it wont be great. Channel 11 and 2 are usually the next most congested channels. Humans like 1 above or below max settings (in the US) for some reason. With good hardware, you can unlock channels 13 through 16 which are designed for outside of the USDM and only the true elite geeks use it so they are almost all free. I can guarantee you cant get them with the kiddie hardware you are using now...
  8. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    What hardware do you recommend?

    Note that I was especially surprised that the Mac gets so much slower speed test results plugged into the Ethernet port of the AirPort, than plugged directly into the cable modem! Although today it's doing much better than yesterday, as is the Touch, which might just not have the ability to g as fast as the Mac.

    Note that I do not need industrial bandwidth. I just want enough speed that NetFlix will not have to stop to catch up, or go all fuzzy from time to time.
  9. qbee42

    qbee42 My other car is a boat

    Mar 2, 2006
    Northern Michigan
    2006 Prius
    I'm not a big fan of Apple for networking, especially wireless networking. Any garden variety WiFi system should be able to easily run at the speed of your cable modem. I assume it's a configuration problem, but I don't know enough about your equipment to provide specific help.

  10. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    I keep reading reviews of wi-fi routers quitting after a short time. I figured Apple would be more reliable, and the reviews were all raves. I'll phone Apple on Monday and see if they can solve it. If not I'll return the AirPort and ask for hardware suggestions. Or I'll just go back to wired.
  11. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    I owned a Belkin WiFi router prior to the Apple one and had nothing but problems with it. The advantage of the Apple router is that it is extremely simple to setup especially if you are using a Mac.

    If you just bought the Apple router recently, I would suggest bringing the router (and computer) to an Apple Genius Bar and let them determine if you have a hardware problem. I did actually have a bad Apple router that they tested and replaced once they determined it was defective. It is the only Apple hardware that I ever bought that had a problem, and the replacement has been working now for several years without any issues.
  12. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    They all use the same basic chipsets. Just like Apple uses the same (EXACT) components as you would find in an ordinary and much much cheaper PC.

    As for the reviews, again no offense, but generally mac owners are not the brightest technologically. They just do not know what is out there, or how things work. Take the iPhone as an example. I have been using touchscreen smartphones for over 8 years. People that think the iphone is cool generally just dont know any better. So when the reviews are all positive, what are they basing it against? Have they ever used a good product to base it off of, or are they just basing it off of a previous generation of a crappy product?

    Hardware suggestions for me would be something compatible with DDWRT. If you actually have a 30+mbps connection, then you may want to look into a 802.11n network. It is the future, so why not upgrade now? For $100 you can get an awesome Linksys/Cisco router. Unfortunately, their quality has been degrading for years and their firmware is impossible. But the good news is that they run a basic linux distro that can be flashed to custom firmware (DD-WRT is the best) and it opens up a whole new realm of possibilities. You can change which of the 4 internal antennas in my router should be the 2.4Ghz TX, which for RX, and same for the 5Ghz band. You can set each of the wireless channel's output power in milliwatts. You can set the ACK timing to anything (or disable/auto completely). It has a built in bandwidth monitor. If you are on Comcast, then you have a 250Gb/month limit total up and down. I use terrabytes a month so I have a business account. But if you are on a personal account, and go over your limit, they shut off your service and call you. If you do it again within 6 months they cancel your account completely and ban you from ever having their internet again. If you are streaming Netflix and other HD video streams all the time, then you might approach this limit.
    1 person likes this.
  13. Ogo

    Ogo Prius Owner since 2008

    Aug 23, 2008
    Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia
    2016 Prius
    Well I am an IT guy and I buy Apple hardware for my home use.

    Maybe because I already grow too much gray hair during my working hours and I want to enjoy my free time using stuff which simply works. :rockon:

    Currently connected clients:

    Signal conditions (up to two steel reinforced concrete walls between clients and base stations):

    IPv6 out of the Apple box:

    IPv6 connectivity tests, ping6 & traceroute6 to ipv6.google.com :

  14. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Dogfriend: As far as I know, we don't have an Apple genius bar in Spokane... Oops, I'm wrong! Apparently a new Apple store just opened this year... I'll check them out. (We used to have one very conveniently located, but it closed a couple of years ago.)

    Toaster: Some of the reviewers are Apple fans, some are PC users, many compare the reliability and ease of use of the AirPort with the difficulty and short life of other brands.

    The rest of what you say is probably excellent advice. I wish I understood a word of it.

    Would you tell me the brand name and model of a wi-fi router or wi-fi cable modem that is EASY to set up for non-IT people like me, RELIABLE, and not overly expensive?

    (Except that it all may be moot if I cannot stream NetFlix to the treadmill TV, because that's about the only need I have for it. On the RARE occasions when I need to connect the iPod to the internet for anything else, I can use the AirPort Express, which I otherwise use for travel if I'm going to be at a hotel that has Ethernet but no wi-fi. Though the opposite is more common.)
  15. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    I think a lot of Mac owners know exactly what is out there because they have used Windows and they don't want those headaches when using their computer at home.
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  16. tnthub

    tnthub Member

    Jun 12, 2006
    Brunswick, Maine
    2007 Prius
    In my opinion, your cable modem should connect a router. Just a router... Not your wap.

    In my house I have a Comcast cable mode connected to a Linksys RVS4000 router (which is a low end small business product) that has (4) 1 Gig ethernet connections. Into that I have a Netgear ProSeries 16 Port unmanaged 1 gig switch. All my device connect through the switch in some way or another. I have a three servers running in a virtual environment to manage our internal network. We also have two desktops that have wired connections and two portables that access the network through a consumer grade Belkin wireless router that is configured strictly as a WAP device.

    It isn't so much the actual brand of equipment that is important...

    What is critical is that your equipment is configured properly, with security adequate for your needs, and that basic functions like DNS, DHCP, and your internal IP address scheme are properly set up, along with the proper firmware and driver upgrades, and that your network settings are hard set to avoid the dreaded "auto" settings.

    Consumer grade hardware is "cheap" not only in terms of price but also in terms of quality and support. I have no preference of brand based on quality at a consumer level but I do have a preference based on my own knowledge and experience with the interface each company uses to manage the equipment.

    I suspect you have configuration issues (since my own experience is that 90% of the time the problem is configuration rather than actual hardware).

    Perhaps there is someone in your area qualified to assist with an accurate diagnosis?

    Oh yea... I have no issues streaming Netflix to either wireless laptop or to our blueray which connects to our AVR. Streaming even works fine when I have three remote support sessions open and my wife is accessing the mail server remotely.
  17. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Well, the saga continues. A google search turned up an Apple store I never knew existed. Turns out they only opened it 3 months ago. So I took the AirPort Extreme in, explained everything I've already said above, and concluded with "What am I doing wrong?" (Not "This thing is defective.") I made it clear that I assumed I was doing something wrong, and asked for help figuring it out.

    The guy at the "genius desk" listened to me and then said, There's no way it should do that. It's defective." And they gave me a new one. They performed no tests.

    New unit home, plugged in, set up (which it does itself because I'd have no idea how to set all those parameters manually; I don't even know what they mean!) And it's the same story. I moved it around. Same story. Actually, worse than before.

    Figuring I'd call Comcast tomorrow, I decided to put the whole thing back the way it was to begin with (which was not as bad as in the most recent set up). I physically disconnected everything (I had even tried a new Ethernet cable from the modem to the AirPort) re-assembled it, turned everything off, rebooted first the cable modem, then the AirPort, and last of all the computer, and now it's better than it was to begin with. The iMac is slower than when it's connected directly to the cable modem, but not by nearly as much, and gets similar speeds on wi-fi as on Ethernet, and the iPod is about twice as fast as it was before, which is still slower than they told me it ought to be, but fast enough for NetFlix.

    I have no idea what DNS or DHCP mean, though I keep seeing the acronyms. I do know what an IP address is, but I have no idea what to do with one or how to set one up.

    FWIW, my security is WPA2 Personal. I do not know what that means. I entered a password nobody is going to guess. I gather WEP is better (?). But I see no option for it.

    Next to "Channel" it says "149 (Automatic), 6 (Automatic)

    There are many other pages on the AirPort Utility but I have no idea what any of it means.

    If it would get me better wi-fi speed without losing Ethernet speed, I'd seriously consider returning the AirPort and upgrading my cable modem to one with wi-fi built in. If I do that, I'll ask Comcast to recommend a reliable model that's compatible with their signal and easy to set up, or that can be set up with their help over the phone. I've had very good experience with Comcast technical support.
  18. a_gray_prius

    a_gray_prius Rare Non-Old-Blowhard Priuschat Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    2008 Prius
  19. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
  20. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    pay comcast to come in and set it up. they charge a few bucks, but they guarantee it and it saves a fortune in headaches. (other than putting up with the comcast guy.)