Why can't I post or even see the CA-San Diego section? If I try to go I get the following message: " Sorry, but only users granted special access can read topics in this forum." Am I not special enough? Growing up I was always told I was a special boy and now you people are making me believe that I'm not. Do I have to provide proof of residency? Will a phone and electricty bill suffice? 92108 zip code right here! I can learn the secret handshake if need be. Just no super duper top secret password because I have a hard time remember them. All kidding aside, who do I speak to about getting access to that section of the forum? TIA, Rene
you simply need to join the group. click on the "usergroup" button at the top of any page to join. its free and takes a second. this was done to reduce bandwidth and to not have to see posts from areas that you might not be interested in