(Sorry I cannot find a G1 forum.) Is the Prius Sedan battery located directly behind the rear seat, as is the case with the Civic hybrid? Also does anyone have a picture of it? Here's how the Civic Hybrid battery appears: Photo of Civic battery/motor electronic behind rear seat: http://hybridautomotive.com/insight/ima/hch/removal/pic_5815.jpg
Right behind the back seat. Now that you're in the right forum you can search for lots of posts, pics, and info. -Chap
Get an egg timer. See if you can't tease out five to ten good pictures of the battery by searching this forum before the timer dings. When done, you can have the pictures you're after, plus a tasty boiled egg. -Chap
Okay Mr. Schmartypants. LOL I searched for Prius G1 battery using the forum search engine. (I also performed a search using google 2 days ago.) Both results came-up the same: A bunch of images of the battery installed in the Prius Liftback (G2, G3), but none installed in the Prius Sedan (G1) That's why I asked the question in the first place..... partly to find the location, but also because I performed a google image search, found nothing, and decided to ask the experts/owners. (Apparently you don't have an image of the battery in the sedan either, else you would have provided it by now.)
Ok, even a careful search does seem to get some Gen 2s mixed in with Gen 1s. But wouldn't at least two or three of the images here suit your purpose? -Chap
That was insulting. "Was that so hard?" As a matter of fact, yes it was. I never would have thought to type this mess: ("gen 1" OR nhw11) (hv OR traction) AND battery -(nhw20 OR "gen 2") siteriuschat.com
Well, just putting in "prius gen 1 battery replacement" found this how to. Is there as specific angle you are looking for? rebuilt hybrid batteries prius hybrid battery
My apologies - I think the lmgtfy site is kind of a cute, funny idea overall, but agree about that last "was that so hard" they tag on at the end being a sour note that nobody needs, and making it more likely to offend people. I wish they had just made it end with "Here you go!" or something like that. It's easier once you know how though, and sometimes with Google it makes the difference between finding the stuff you're looking for, and finding a giant sea of stuff you're not looking for.... Sorry for the "was that so hard" bit. -Chap