My G2 had a spot to park the key fob in the dash! it's gone on the G3,Found a spot in the top glove box a little velcro tab on the fob keeps it there. Also helps keep it from sliding out of your pocket! I lose everything.. Use to put it in the cup holder, this works way better,At least I know where it is! Sorry for the bad pics taken with my Itouch ,Enjoy! iPod touch ?
Mine never leaves my pocket. I used to drive a Honda CRX. The driving position in that car was almost sitting on the floor. Stuff used to fall out of my pockets all of the time. I never have that problem with the Prius, since the driving position is more upright. Tom
It hardly matters why his pants aren't working like ours do, he's not looking for help with his pants. He's looking for ideas on where to store the fob in the G3. I'd help but I've only been in a G3 a handful of times so I'm not very familiar with the available cubbies.
He's not looking for help, despite the title of the thread; it's a rhetorical question. This thread is to show off his new idea - nothing wrong with that. Likewise there is nothing wrong with the rest of us pondering about his pants problem. When you put something out for public comment, you get public comments. So far the replies have been very civil. In a couple more pages someone will suggest using the fob as a suppository, and then we will have twenty more posts about the RF attenuation effects of the digestive tract and abdominal walls. Two pages after that it will digress into a rant about the lousy design and high cost of the SKS fobs, then someone will blame the design on the Republicans, after which the whole thread will get moved to Fred's House of Politics. It's just the way online forums work. Tom
While the idea isn't bad - the risk of leaving the key in the car is just too high for me. My gut reaction when I'm alone is to use the interior lock button before I close the door. Of course, the car *will* unlock if the FOB isn't dead once the door is closed (anti-lockout), but that would then leave my car unlocked AND with keys in it so that anyone could steal it. I'd rather have to search for something that fell out of my pocket on occasion than get myself into a habit that would eventually leave the key in the vehicle. If your FOB is attached to other keys, the chances of the keys falling out may be less.
Maybe both! I was half asleep when I posted it, Really didn't know how to phrase it.Gave it my best shot!
I know that. I read it as an actual question, as opposed to a rhetorical one that was actually suggesting a solution. Really, I'm well aware of the definition of most English words.
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Damn, stole all my ideas. Well I honestly agree with HTMLspinnr, It's always up to the individual, but it seems to me the risk of practicing to keep the fob in the vehicle negates any advantage one might perceive. It seems to me one of the greatest advantages of the entire Smart Key System is the idea that no "Key" or "Fob" need be physically put anywhere. If you are designing a "space" the fob is put every time you enter the vehicle? Why not just an ignition key? What I pretty continual hear from the majority is the enjoyment of the benefit of simply being able to carry the fob and operate and enter and exit the vehicle without having to touch the fob. But I suppose if someone wants to designate a "special" place within the vehicle where you always put the fob? I may personally look at that action as conciously wasteful of benefit, but it's personally a choice someone can make.
If my cars parked at home or in the garage the key is in it, Not under the toilet upstairs! Go ahead take it. When I stop at Big O Market for a quart of milk I take the fob with me,simple!
It comes up for me if I get to work late and have to double park my car in the parking garage and leave the key in the ignition. Tricky with no ignition. This is a decent solution.
With more than one car in the family -- we take the key for the car we are going to drive. No other keys on the cars ring ..... I don't normally cary anything in my pockets - so having a spot for the key would be nice. Women have storage solutions. I also prefer the rubber lock button on the outside door handle -- vs this hold/push situation ........ but .......I'm sure we will all get used to it. Lexus service told me not to leave the fob in the car when you leave it in the garage as they FOB is always talking to the car? I guess they have battery issues -- Also two FOB's from different cars can cause a "no start" event ..
2 + years no problem! Parked this car last winter for 6 weeks between starts started every time with the fob in it!
+1, I haven't seen my key fob for about a month, it's in a little inside pocket, designed to hold a mobile phone, in my winter jacket. I just put on my jacket and go.