I need to do some welding on the 2013 Prius and found this: ********* before initating any repair involving the use of an electric welder, the ignition must be in the off position and both battery cables as well as the ABS computer must be disconnected. ********* However, I cannot find the location of the ABS computer - anyone? Thanks!
Thanks. There is an ECU-looking box with a lot wires right beside the fuse box on the driver side of the engine bay. Should I just unplug all the wires or there are some precautions I should take? (both batteries are already disconnected). How do I know for sure? Thanks!
I think that's the one for the engine. The one for the brakes is hard to see if you don't have the cowl removed. (Unless I'm misremembering ... I'm not signed into techinfo at the moment.) That being said, I do find it puzzling, in a car with a couple dozen ECUs, that some instruction about welding would only mention protecting one of them. -Chap
Thanks. Good point, I'll get somebody to look into the techinfo for me. It might be a good idea to disconnect as many of the ECUs as I can though