I am putting together a business plan that I plan on presenting to my city. Once I find a local electrical company, I am hoping to approach the city and propose installation of EV charging stations in local state parks. So far my hope is that I can find an electrical company who is willing to supply the electrical wire, breaker and labor. I plan to provide the EVSE. And I want the City of Ithaca to provide the electric and a dedicated EV parking space. Ithaca is a very "green" city. I think they will be very receptive to it. I have already started installation of EVSE's at my rental properties for my tenants. Hopefully I can get the city to follow suit. However, I need to put together a plan and I need to find EV stats.
If anyone else has done something similar in their town/city I would be very interested in hearing about it. If it worked an you have a great business plan I would love to see it.
Good luck, Electric companies for the most part in NYS are union. The idea that they would supply the wire at the current cost of copper and the labor (would cost more than the wire @ union rates) isn't going to be an easy thing to do. you might get this accepted closer to the city but in southern/western/south-central NYS the drives are all too long to make EV's a high demand item. I'd love to see it happen but don't kill yourself trying, they(we) as a region aren't ready yet I would look more in the direction of grants to pay for these than i would waste time on donated supplies or services.