We've been hearing about the Chevy Volt for about 3 years now, seen a total redesign during the prototype phase, and we've almost seen the project canceled several times. Now, finally, tomorrow at noon, Eastern, GM will announce pricing for their "Extended Range Electric Vehicle" Volt. GM is under a lot of pressure to price the vehicle competitively after Nissan blew the industry away with their $32,000 price for the LEAF. What's your guess on the Volt's pricing?
I'll go with $37480 MSRP before ADM's + TTF. Why that number? Well after the $7500 Federal Tax credit the 'nominal' price would be $29980, or about the same a well-equipped Prius. Of couse as many found out when AMT rears its ugly head that $7500 credit might disappear like fairy dust.
The Leaf is under $33k, and (I think?) eligible for the CA tax credit. I have my doubts that many people will choose the Volt over a Leaf if it is the more expensive car. At a $13k difference, the only purchasers would be those without any price consideration.
I'm curious about additional taxes. You will certainly not have to pay a gas guzzler tax. You will also save the tax on every gallon of gasoline that you don't use (in some states, you pay like 25 cents to 50 cents per gallon in taxes). But here's what I'm wondering ... is there any type of tax that hybrid and EV owners have to pay that gasoline-only owners do not have to pay - such as a "battery disposal fee" ? Any other taxes specific to hybrid and EV owners? Will Volt owners have to wait in line to get carpool stickers, or will there be a fast-track way to get the stickers?
Chevy Cruze starts at $17k. Since the Volt shares the same platform with Cruze, the question becomes the cost of the battery and the electric propulsion system. If the plugin hybrid premium is $20k, we'll be looking at $37k Volt prior to tax credit.
Not only is the MSRP for the Chevy Volt over $41K, I'm sure that just like what happened when the new Camaro came out last year, greedy Chevrolet dealers will be charging a hefty premium over sticker price! Don't you think that since "We The People" own Government Motors, we should be able to buy the Volt at cost?
Dang! That's $24k plugin premium over Chevy Cruze. You can get a well equipped Nissan Leaf for that in CA.