What's the deal. I wanted to put a hitch on my pruis for maybe hauling bikes and/or luggage on a cargo tray on long trips with the family. Anyway I went online and decieded on and ordered the Coastal 2" Receiver Hitch. It just seems like there are more options with a 2" Reciever. Anyway that was back on in the middle of Oct. A couple of days ago I wondered where it was and I sent them and e-mail... Here's the response: "One of our customer service representatives had given you a call to let you know that we are currently out of stock of the receiver hitches for the Toyota Prius. Your order was voided and the purchase amount was refunded back onto the card. Plesae let me know if there is anything else that we can do to assist you. Please let me know if I may assist you further." After not getting a response from a follow-up e-mail I called this morning. The guy there had no information on when they might be getting any more in stock. All he could say is that they are out of stock... Anybody else have similar experience with this company... are they that bad of a company. Anyone else know of source for a 2" receiver hitch. He couldn't have been less helpful. They are just our of stock with no forseeable date of getting more in or anything. I really hate companies who advertise they have a product and then don't have it in stock and for what I can tell, can't get it either. I'm a little upset I've got a long family trip planed and was kind of counting on being able to use a cargo trey to put a few things on... I guess I'll be shipping some of the luggage there via fed-ex. Thanks
I ordered one for my 2006 Prius from U-Haul a couple of years ago. Works great. Some locations will even install it for you for a fee.
If you search for older threads on the Coastal 2" hitch you'll see a lot of people had issues with it because it was not built well to handle much of a load and bends easily so bike and cargo racks bounce a lot. One person modded their Coastal hitch to resolve that issue by welding a piece of metal from the center of the hitch to the jack lift point at the rear of the car for added stability. Without any personal experience, I would say go with the Curt hitch and if necessary use a 2" adapter or try to stick with the smaller size all together.
I have not noticed this problem with the U-haul hitch. I think they are made more solid, and to be used with heavier cargo, though I would not recommend using the hitch for anything heavy on the Prius, regardless of the sturdiness of the hitch.
Got any pictures of your hitch? Also, part #, model?? Im looking to add a hitch to my Pri for the hauling of my bikes (I cycle alot - and just sold my old rack for my VW to someone so I can get a new one for the Pri)
I don't have any pictures, however, if you go to Uhaul's website here: U-Haul moving supplies: Custom hitches, they ask for your car make, model, and year, to find the right hitch to fit your car. They also give you a link, once you find the hitch, to schedule installation at a local uhaul.
This might help guys, check out trailerhitches.com. I needed a hitch for my 2006 prius to adapt a Thule Bike rack. I found a 4 bolt (about 30 min install) Class 1 hitch, that was delivered on-time, and I think was reasonably priced. The hitch mount replaces the tow hooks on the rear of the Prius, super easy install. I am not pitching for them, just thought I would share.