What do you call this bar that keep the trunk floor up if you have to scratch in the cargo box? Someone mailed me and said this bar on his Prius is missing. It looks like its' part of the box and cannot be ordered separate.
I'm not sure where you'd get one, but I can say that I never even noticed that until you pointed it out
i use this thign a lot. Its in your car. Its sitting there in a little space. just pull it out and place as shown.
It snaps into the plastic on the bottom, and fits into a slot on the top. You can easily pull it out and lose it if you are so inclined. The dealer should be able to order one, or bend one from a piece of metal rod. Tom
Nope, you cannot order them, unless you want the whole box. I was gonna suggest copying one from a metal rod of some sort. Yes it does pull out and yes you can lose it. What is not immediately obvious is where you place it to hold up the lid. [Picture shows how NOT to use it]
WoW, That was news to me..... Never noticed this before.... Sort of like the lower compartment of the center console.
So that's what that son of a bitch is for!!!!! It's been floating around the rear trunk since I got the car and I never could find a / the place for it!!! It's a GOOD day when you learn something new!!!!
'ya learn something new every day......now I know what that metal piece was for. Those darn Japanese are so ingenious..........love my car!!!
It's pretty obvious how to use it. The top end snaps into the slot a few inches down on your photo. Tom
This is so cool! I've never seen this thing before. I've got to go out and look in my trunk. What will they think of next?
Not only can you prop up the cover, the cover folds in half forward, so you can leave it in place while you drive. Do this to transport a potted plant or some other messy item, since it will sit down in the plastic pan. Tom
So long as the picture in post #1 is handy, and so many apparently didn't know what the rod is for. Here is another memo . . . . The rectangular slot in the box just to the left (aft)of the rod attach point is to allow the retractable hatch storage area cover to be stored under the floor. This is convenient when the rear seats are folded down. Remove the storage compartment cover in the upper right of the picture to stow the retractable cover.
I'd call it 'rear no. 2 floor board support rod', because the US service manual calls the cover the "Rear No. 2 Floor Board" and the similar rod to hold the bonnet open is called the "Hood Support Rod". The rod isn't actually shown attached to the "Rear Deck Floor Box" in the manual, but the channel it lives in is shown. (Rear No. 1 Floor Board is the cover over the cavity to the left of the box, and Rear No. 3 Floor Board is the cover over the cavity on the right, over the 12V lead-acid auxiliary battery and brake power supply [capacitor bank].)
OMG !!!! (my wife just said, you guys and your cars and the little details) She changed her mind when I talked about using it for transporting plants. Now, I'll be driving the country this summer and bringing interesting plants back home for planting. Geez thanks guys Lol - this is sooooo cool
Usually by now, someone will have said something snarky like "Try reading your owner's manual." BTW, it is in the U.S. owner's manual, which refers to the compartment as the "luggage storage box", the cover as the "lid", and the rod as the "support rod". There are even instructions to "[h]old the lid open by inserting the support rod into the slot" and an accompanying picture showing the lid propped up with the support rod. Relatedly, here's a PDF of the 2007 Owner's Manual that dogfriend and I created: 2007 Prius Owners Manual.pdf Comes in handy for word searches.
HURRY! Rush now to the "most obscure facts way out there" thread and make a post! I was just gona say that ... but you shamed me out of it Actually, I was going to say maybe after all these PC years, we've finally outgrown that. (yea right)