What would you do? Last summer (June to be more precise) I purchased eight rechargeable "D" size batteries for a boombox. The set cost $59 plus another $34 for the same brand recommended smart charger. I used them for the summer, maybe 6-8 recharges in all- and one last time at a Xmas party. When I was done using them Xmas day according to the battery meter on the boombox- they had 50% charge remaining. Since Xmas I haven't used the boombox. Fast forward to last weekend- I went to use the boombox- the batteries were dead. I removed all eight of them and upon placing them in the same brand charger as the batteries- it showed six out of the eight batteries were "BAD" and could not be charged. I contacted the manufacturer- and mentioned I bought them last summer- they responded with an inquiry for the order number, etc. I forwarded that info to them- they replied that since it was through Amazon (which I indicated in my initial email to them) that even with the order number- they couldn't "see" the order. So I took a screen snapshot of the order details page and forwarded it to them- they replied- "our refund policy is 30 days, and warranty period is 90 days" your order is from last June- you are out of the warranty period, sorry". This same company advertises it's batteries as "good for 1,000 recharges", well I got less than a dozen recharges out of six of their batteries and now 12 months later six out of the original eight are useless. At $7 per "D" battery I'm out $42 for the six dead batts- and the manufacturer has basically said- tuff luck. So at this juncture I have two choices (yes I want to continue using rechargeable batts in this boombox because it goes through "D" batts in 8-10hrs of use): 1) Take the $42 loss and order another set of six rechargeable "D" batts for another $42 and hope they last. 2) Order another set of six rechargeable "D" batts for another $42- then in 2-3 weeks return the bad set from last summer for a full refund. What would you do?
2 was my first thought before even getting to it. Do you know what chemistry of battery they are so next time you can have a plan of atttack for long term storage?
You might want to contact Amazon and run your situation through them. Big sellers have tons of clout with their suppliers. If Amazon agrees to replace the bad batteries, they will return them to the manufacturer for credit. Maybe they can help. Options 2, do what you have to do. But, I wouldn't announce my plans to the internet world. Good luck on a remedy.
oh man, you would do that? i suspect the have dates/lot # stamped on them to prevent that kind of stuff.
I don't know about the individual batteries, maybe. They do that now on boxes and the items within them like Dyson vacuums, computers etc because in the old days it was common to just buy a new item stick the old in the box and done. But with small things like batteries, I just don't know...
Ref the date codes on the batts- I asked the mfg if there were date codes/batch #'s on them so I could check the bad batts to see if maybe I originally got some new old stock (hoping I could prove that the six that went bad were indeed older than the two that are still good)- they said there were no date codes on their batteries. Their warranty starts based on your receipt from the store/online retailer. re the battery chemistry- they're just std nickle metal hydride. I have some from other manufactures that are over 3 years old and still charge/work perfectly. I just recharged some "C" size batts last night that I haven't used in over a year- no problems with them. Even two of the eight from this batch still recharged fine- the other six are just bad. I can't see why the manufacturer won't cover the six bad "D"s from last June. If you advertise "can be recharged 1,000 times" you'd think that would cover at least 365 days?
Can the boom box be plugged into a standard wall outlet? What comes to mind is cheap junk with no recourse. Call the company back and ask to speak to a manager. Plead your case. Someone mentioned go back to Amazon. Try and get your refund back via Amazon. If no solution I would write a review and at the least warn other consumers.
Before you go through the hassle, I would just charge them up and use them. NiMH batteries don't go bad to the point where they just don't work without internal shorting like physical damage. What happens is the same in the Prius where after wearing out their capacity diminishes. So what was 8-10 hours, is now 20 minutes of run time. I suspect your batteries are perfectly fine, the charger is just too dumb to bring them back to life. Put them on a "dumb" CC/CV (Constant Current / Constant Voltage) power supply or charger. It may take a few tens of cycles to get the life back up to where you want it.
Option 2 is kind of a lame move. I would get a different brand. I use the energizer nimh rechargeables that you can get at target etc. they work pretty well.
Yes, that's how I used it the other day- off AC power without batteries. I've read the other one star reviews whew the batteries failed after the 90 day warranty- Amazon simply refers the buyer back to the manufacturer who just quotes their 30 day/90 day policy. In other words- nothing gets done. Regarding the review- I did mention that to the manufacturer that I still haven't left a review of their product and support- and I was going to after this issue has been resolved one way or another. That was in an email to them two days ago- I haven't heard anything from them since. They don't seem to care if I post up a bad review...
I placed them in the charger- it tries to charge them for about 30 seconds- then stops- with the word "BAD" on the LCD display. I can't force the charger to charge a "BAD" battery- there is no manual override button on the charger.
If you have a phone number call them and ask for a manager. You may have to chalk it up to experience. The good thing about brick and mortar is some of them have a good exchange or refund policy or you can buy a extended service contract on something's
The Energizer Rechargeable D size batteries are a 1.2V battery and has a 2500 MaH capacity. The Tenergy "Premium" D size rechargeable's I purchased are a 1.2V battery and have a 10'000 MaH capacity. I get 8-10 hrs out of the boombox w/the 10,000 MaH capacity batteries, if I switched to the Energizer 2,5000 MaH batts- I'd only get 2hrs run time out of it.
Here are some of the one star reviews on Amazon: Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: 8 pcs of Premium Tenergy D Size 10,000mAh High Capacity High Rate NiMH Rechargeable Batteries Pretty much all of them mention batteries failing outside the 30 day warranty period and the manufacturer and Amazon not doing squat about it...
There are 4 times the 5 star reviews as 1 star. Maybe you just got a lemon. I'm surprised that you can't make an a-z claim though.
Can you even charge a battery 1,000 times in a ninety day period? LoL! I'd just mark this down as a lesson learned and purchase a different set. They stated the warranty period which was exceeded. Buying another set and sending the bad set in under warranty is a knee-jerk response but it only puts you at their level. BTW: are you sure it's not the charger with the problem? It may have a longer warranty period.
Then just use a standard power supply to charge it the first time. "BAD" could mean anything. If they are severely discharged then the current might be high and the charger isn't limiting properly. A $100 variable power supply with current and voltage knobs has many uses and this is one.
The charger works with all the other rechargeable batts (including the 2 remaining good ones from this lot of 8 "D"s)- I used it last night to exercise (discharge then recharge) a set of rechargeable "C" batts.