I am at 100 miles and loving it. With every drive I am seeing these little green cars on the consumption screen. Sometimes one or even 3. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong or is this something I should be seeing. I can't find the symbol in the manuel. Perhpas a dumb question but I have been led to believe there is never a dumb question.
if you notice on the top left of your MFD (multi-function display) you will see a little green car equals 50 kwh. that means you've regenerated 50 kwh of energy back to your battery. general rule of thumb, avoid regenerating too many "cars" bc that means you wasted gas and got to too high of a speed and thus had to slow down excessively using regen...
Thanks , I will try and do better. It's learning to drive all over again. I have no complaints about 40.2 MPG so far. The dealer said to drive it like a normal car for about 1000 miles. Don't go over 65 on the freeways and don't brake to hard. The way folks drive in So Calkits brakes all the time.
You'll get much better mpg after the engine breaks in. Some say that you see marked improvement after 3,000 miles. In my case, my fuel efficiency jumped markedly after hitting 6,000 miles. I've been averaging ~52mpg with the A/C running full tilt boogie on hot/muggy Long Island.
Now that mine is broken in I get around 54. but I usually mess up my really good tanks (aroun 60) by hopping on the highway. Good luck with the breaking in!