I know this might be the wrong forum it i was just wondering if I could get help on this... I got a ticket today with the dealer registration still on the car and my own registration hasn't come in yet. What's the best way to deal with this ticket? In California they don't give you plates at all for temporary dealer registration.
They aren't giving the ticket to your car, or your tags or registration, they are giving the ticket to YOU. The fact that you are on your temporary dealers registration is immaterial. What happens? You get a ticket....and probably should just pay it.
The ticket should either come with either an addressed envelope or an address where payment can be mailed, and keep the copy that also should be with the ticket (if you didn't get a copy, make your own). Some towns have parking ticket drop boxes where payment can be made. The city parking fine wonks will handle all the details of vehicle ID, and gladly take your payment. Keep a copy of the check until the cancelled check image comes back from your bank. Speaking from experience...
This is the type of answer I guess I was looking for. I wanted to make sure coordination between DMV/dealer/and my payments were aligned. As long as all the details will be fine if I pay, then all is well. I wasn't saying I wasn't going to pay the ticket. Sheesh.
When it comes to them collecting their money, they'll always make sure they have their ducks in a row and know where/who to send the ticket to lol.
What I think you were getting at was how do the ticketing people know that the car is yours and not the dealer's. Generally, when the car is sold, the seller files a document with the DMV that the car is sold to another party, you. I believe it's called a non-responsibility declaration, or something like that. I don't know how fast the dealer does this, or if at all. But assuming that the dealer didn't file that, yet, and that registration is still in the dealer's name, and the ticket wasn't paid, the ticketing people will send the dealer a demand for payment. The dealer will advise the ticketing people that the car was sold to you and to go after you. They will have to show proper paperwork that the car was sold to you. Then the ticketing people will go after you. If the non-responsibility declaration was already filed with DMV, then the ticketing people would send the demand for payment directly to you. There used to be a loop hole in the system (I don't know whether it's been fixed). Companies like FedEx and UPS would rack up millions of dollars in parking tickets and the tickets were never collected upon. The tickets are assigned to the designated vehicle, and once the vehicle was sold, the new owner had no responsibility to pay the ticket and the powers that be had no way to enforce payment of the ticket on the prior owner. I sure hope they fixed this. Mike
Not dealing with tickets but it's amazing the 'deals' cut between large corporations and large municipalities. I once had to take my bosses cell phone to Verizon (a city issued cell phone) for servicing. When the guy looked up the account he began calling over other employees to see the screen. I was like what is the matter, you have good porn on the screen or something. He laughed but said I wish, I just never saw this before. He showed me the screen and said how my account, thinking the phone was mine, was in owing to Verizon for something over a million dollars. I had to explain how it was a city issued cell phone blah blah blah. Come to learn that the city has one account with Verizon for say all the phones issued to an agency. They don't pay and let it become millions of dollars, like say 10 million. They then work out with Verizon to settle the debt for say half of what is owed and Verizon goes for the settlement. Too bad it didn't work like that for us huh? Sorry, a bit off topic, but still found it interesting when I learned about it.
The VIN number is on the car, is in plain sight. You bought the car. The dealer registered it in your name. You got a ticket for parking illegally. If you don't pay it they will issue a warrant. Then you will be fined. What was a simple parking ticket will turn into conundrum.
The OP STILL hasn't explained why they gave him a ticket so we're just assuming that he was parked illegally. I had a new Escalade a few years ago with dealer reg in the window & was issued a parking ticket for having no reg tags. I went straight to the parking enforcement office & gave them a piece of my mind & filled a complaint against the officer for being too lazy to look in my windshield. The ticket was dismissed on the spot.