We made it to episode #2! Thanks for your feedback last week - we hope you enjoy this week's episode. The new episode is showing up if you are subscribed to the podcast from last week, but for some reason it's not showing up yet if you're not subscribed. This week we were lucky to have Tony Schaefer's input again and we also added Eric Powers of Green Drive Expo. One extra note: Russell added chapter markers for those who want to the podcast one topic at a time. Hosts: Danny Cooper & Russell Frost Guest: Tony Schaefer & Eric Powers Episode #: 2 Time: 1:19:52 Subscribe to the Podcast in iTunes Direct M4A Download Direct MP3 Download Topics covered include: First 6 months of Prius ownership through the eyes of Danny & Russell Toyota suspends sales of eight models Can the power grid handle plug-ins and EVs? GM to start building motors for EVs here in US Special guest Eric Powers Green Drive Expo
I thought plasmacluster was automatic? It's independent of that filter button (that button is not on the Camry Hybrid and it has plasmacluster). Anyway, thanks for the podcast! I was gonna say I don't have iTunes but it looks like someone has spoken for the rest of us and you've given us a direct link. Thanks Danny!
Nice to see/hear you guys working out that name "billing" issue. Simply not having billing does solve that. Now that I have been able to listen to episode 2, I don't know what to offer. It's a little rough, a little fledgling. As we have seen, especially the last few weeks, the automotive industry does provide news. I guess my biggest concern is that if you plan for this podcast to be over an hour a week, what are you going to talk about? Eventually you're going to reach that crest of the wave where you've covered most topics and issues, react to any new news or issues. Is that going to be enough to fill 60+ minutes a week? Guests would be important, guests with things to share and opinions that might differ from your own. That "creates" show. To compare to an established product like for instance "Car Talk" they are a call in show. Thus the public is constantly giving the hosts things to talk about and react to, a little random, unpredictability. In a nutshell, once you've covered what "Drives You", where are you going to "Drive To"? I don't know what your vision for the Podcast ultimately is, and that is the problem. Even after listening to the podcast, I don't know. If you intend it to be a living, breathing auditory version of Prius Chat/Prius Owners Group then it must include a random outside element. Call ins. The "US" in What Drives Us cannot be just what Drives Danny Cooper and Russell Frost. With all due respect, I don't think that fills an hour and a half a week. Without the Call In portion would you want to listen to Click and Clack for 90 minutes? Like all new ideas, attempts, right now you are stuck in coming off as simultaneously too rehearsed and also not spontaneous enough. I don't know with budget, time, all the possible resource restrictions you might face how you do it, BUT I think you need more reaction to, and less this is our reaction. Good luck it wasn't entirely unentertaining but I'm wondering if you guys haven't bitten off more than you can chew. A real "show" or Podcast, is a full time job.
Much improved! Tighter production and reasonable content. Not quite CarTalk or MotorWeek but the direction is the right way to go. I did have to turn my bass scale from +2 to -5 ... perhaps a mic adjustment? But this is a nit. Thanks, Bob Wilson
Thanks for the continued feedback. If you'd like to leave a question or topic for this week, feel free to call the What Drives Us voicemail line. Just call (575) 51-DRIVE (37483).
I noticed my iPod had two programs from last week: "- Episode #2" 1/29 (Friday) "2v2" 2/1 (Monday) Both showed the same duration, 1:19:52. Just curious. BTW, the chapters work by dividing the program into commuting size bits. Still, producing over an hour of content each week, do you' all ever sleep? As for a topics, I would recommend over a period of time, visit or interview some of the well known, independent maintenance shops: Art's Automotive Lucious Garage AutoBeYours Re-InVolt (others that Hobbit may know) Another topic might be tires for our Prius because they are one of the first, large, out of pocket expenses. See if "Tire Rack" might have someone who might discuss replacement tires for Prius. They may need a little lead-time (at least a month) to figure out who would be 'the goat.' The independents may also have some tire and alignment insights that could be included in the 'tire' special. Perhaps include some fact based, field testing of Prius tire pressure effects. You might also catch up on the tire rolling drag rating systems of California and the Dept. of Transportation. It might also be interesting to see if the Dept. of Energy labs might let someone be interviewed on their "fleet testing" and "hybrid vehicle" research programs. Our tax payer dollars fund their efforts yet it remains a relatively unknown source for life-time costs of our hybrids. Something I'm curious about is the 'used Prius' market but this would not be an easy subject to research or find expertise. What are dealer "certified" used Prius versus individual owner versus independent used car sales. Perhaps approach the problem one week from the seller's point of view and the next from the buyer's. Thanks, Bob Wilson
Well, I take back what I said about the dangers of not having enough material. Given recent events, you guys could do a 3 week long podcast mini-series. Strange Times indeed.