Okay, we've all seen it in Tire shop advertising... Don't be old school by using air, rather be tech savy :nod: by filing up your tires with *gulp* Nitrogen. So what really are the benefits of nitrogen filled tires? Will my tires eventually explode :flame:like the Hindenberg? Or should I be using Helium instead, so my car floats :bounce:down the road? Curious minds want to know. ZC1 (this really looks like a test of icons post)
Don't start this thread again. Most of us don't have the strength to do it all over again. Try a search and you will find more posts about this topic than you could possibly ever want to read. Tom
The Hindenberg didn't explode. A static discharge ignited the doped fabric covering the airship. Notice that the ship settled softly to the ground.
Sorry Tom. When asking the question, similar questions didn't show up. I failed to use the search this time. My bad. Question is closed, search instead. ZC1
Pressurized with Nitrous Oxide laughing gas for obvious reasons. Freebie: No Nitrogen pretty much doesn't react or burn at all.
In order of preference: 1) Fairy farts. 2) Nitrogen. 3) Raggedy ol' gas station air. I fill with #2 for free at Costco. Don't tell me it doesn't make a difference. I go several months before it even drops 1/2 lbs. I seriously think I lose more pressure with all the checking . . . gott'a - stop - doin' - that! :der:
So, is there no way to get pressure from the TPMS ? Or can it only show pressure is low ? Perhaps you cold just over-pressure your tires, set the TPMS and lower them to within 1 PSI of triggering ?
Quite possibly even more important - the Hindenberg wasn't filled with Nitrogen as far as I know. Hmmm, but maybe the fabric was coated with it! :scared:
The Hindenburg was filled with Hydrogen. Maybe if you filled your tires with that it would give you a lighter ride.
I use a custom 80% Nitrogen 20% Oxygen blend (with a few trace elements thrown in to improve MPG). I'm building custom fill nozzles that go on a standard air pump and should have them for sale for $20 next week.
And the Return On Investment for those things should prove to make them worth their weight in gold for those who buy them from you - considering many gas stations are charging $0.25 to $1.00 to fill tires with that precious commodity. And here to think I've been getting free nitrogen from Costco . . . and only needing to check my tires every few months. :boink:
Mythbusters says helium didn't help footballs.... I say fill tires with NEON!!! Then they can glow from the inside out!!
5000 miles and not even 1/2 lb low. Thats why I like N2. But I get it free also. fairy farts sounds interesting tho!