Can I use this battery, EverStart Maxx Lead Acid Automotive Battery, Group Size 24F ? It can be bought at Walmart and cost only $93 as a replacement for the auxiliary battery, its I like to use its since its affordable. My battery is has gone weak and I can't afford to spend to much, I like to know the least expensive option to buying a prius battery.
if it's the exact size, correct post size, correct post orientation and has the vent tube, go for it! that's the cheapest i've seen.
No. For safety reasons, you need an externally vented Absorbed Glass Mat battery. The Prius battery has JIS Posts, if you do not use a compatible battery with JIS posts, you will have to replace your battery cables. The buzz word for this battery is S46B24R. Autozone, Oriellys, NAPA carry them. The battery sold by Toyota dealers has a 84 month warranty. The cheapest battery I know of the is a direct fit is The Optima yellowtop has a great reputation Optima DS46B24R Optima battery direct fit replacement for Prius 2004 to 2015 , Prius V & Plug-in Prius with Instructions
Only use S46B24R: Bosch Premium Performance Battery Group, Size 51 | Tire Details | Pep Boys Optima Yellowtop PRUIS Deep Cycle Car Battery Group Size DS46B24R | Tire Details | Pep Boys Super Start Platinum PRIUS - Battery | O'Reilly Auto Parts
This simply is not correct. There are MANY threads that indicate that for a Gen 2 Prius, the battery for the BASE model is smaller than for any model having the SKS (keyless entry) system.