Well, here we go again! Back in the Hospital! This time it's the lower back. L5/S1 disk is shot. So this time I will be on a 8 week MLOA! With luck I can stretch it to 12weeks! I want to lose the weight I gained after the neck surgery last year. I am currently laying in my hospital bed,watching "Big Bang Theory"! I am assuming this is a result of the Morphine Self Injection Droid into my IV Drip. Beep, sweet, another hit! Going home tomorrow, the operation was a success!! It's gonna leave a 4" scar. Yay!My lower back will be good as new. Simply amazing what a couple of new replacement hydraulic assist cylinders will do. Not to mention the new APU unit. SWEET! Oh listen ....... BEEP BEEP, I want one of these for home! Me and my new best personal Droid R2Dilaudid2 What a great little Drug Droid to take away those everyday pains... I guess I should have combed my hair, I appear to be a little WHACKED out ...Beep,Beep,Beep... I just kept pressing the button.. No Pain, Big Gain
Good luck on your future health! I've had 5 fix-its since I was 50 but my back actually got self-healed painwise after I retired from being a disgruntled mailman. I'll be 61 on the 14th . Last B'day my wife asked when would I retire from drag racing... I shot back, ask me again in 40 years. Later she stated....UGH, I'll be sleeping with a 60 year old from now on! In August I turned the tables on her. UGH, I told her that in two years I'll be sleeping with a 40 year old woman!
We really need to get you some Drag Race Emotocons. Somehow Fencing Emotocons just don't represent the excitement that the Drags do! I used to cover the Pomona Winternationals in the '80s for ABC Wild World of Sports. We would park the production truck parallel to the track just down about 20 feet from the Christmas tree! Great spot to set up, until the year somebodys engine had a VERY catastrophic failure and we ended getting peppered with a number of pieces of engine shrapnel. It was interesting pulling chunks out of the side of the 40 ft production truck! We did not park there next year!
Get well as soon as possible KK6 and the bright side is you can send us more posts during MLOA. You don't look a day over 39 and you have way more hair than me. If you're 39 I am 38 so that's close. Hope we see you back soon to report.
Get well soon. Let us know if you managed to convince the hospital to let you bring the morphine machine home. Funny morphine story: I visited an elderly friend in the hospital who'd fallen and broken her pelvis. She was in a lot of pain, or would have been if not for what seemed to be a pretty big dose. She was on the phone to her son when I arrived, and she had to ask if I was in the room with her, or only talking to her on the phone. Her conversation with her son continued long after he'd hung up. :suspicious:
Sadly did not get to keep my little Drug Droid, but the nurse was kind enough to give me the EMPTY bottle to me as a souvenir! I have a display case for such trivia objects I have collected in life, who ever cleans out my estate hopefully MANY years from now is really going to wonder about me!!
Tom, it's kinda like a NOX unit, but this one is "Morphine Boost" I assume it's why it acts like a stimulant, rather than a depressant. I was wide awake 38 hours until I got into my bed last night, well except the 2 hrs when they actually knocked me out!
Your room looks a lot like the UCLA hospital but then again, all hospital rooms look alike. If you were, the food service had to be great with waiters bringing the stuff up from below. Get well soon.
Man, sorry to hear you're in the hospital. That machine looks very much like the one my hospital roommate had. It would beep very loudly when the syringe ran out. He was in a lot of pain after his surgery. I hope I don't ever end up that way (or very much).
Hey Welcome to the L5/S1 club! You owe us dues!! Lolz... Blown L5 tells me you are a working man. I had my L5 discectomy (no hardware) a year and a half ago. Doing real good but I stretch everyday and exercise. It really sucks though when you realize you cannot do some of the things you used to do. Actually you can do it but it requires perfect form and alot less weight where before you would thing nothing of lifting 100 lbs. Them days are officially over. Don't ever lift anything really heavy again. My co-worker had same deal year before me. But he never stretched and acted like he was 16 again. Year later (3 months ago) he damaged his L5 and they went back in and they fused 3 vertabrae. Lots of titanium in his back now. He gets around ok but any physical stuff and it hurts. So...take it easy my man. You went to physical therapy and they showed you how to stretch. Try to do it every day. Good Luck!
I consider the fencing emotocon fine enough since I use finesse (Sp?) rather than pure power since it is bracket racing. I am the only guy that drives his car there, makes money beating the faster guys, and driving home. I even made money in two of three races with a 96 Geo Metro 3 banger running 19.9s at 65 mph. The first time I raced it my opponent was in a mid 60s FI Vette....he dialed 7.70 seconds to my 19.90 dial. We both ran .002 off of our dials but I got him on the starting line with a .030 reation time compared to his .036, for my true win of only .006! Comparing the top fuel cars of the 80s to the ones of today is about like watching a 1980 TV compared to todays HDTVs! It is best to get the full effect of them when you go on a Friday first round qualifyers when all the bodies in the stands don't soak up all the noise and especially the vibration! On an aside, back in 1994 I had two of my cars on display at the US Nationals. The NHRA Division 3 director wanted them there to show people that you can drag race about anything. My two cars were a 1984 Plymouth Horizon (still raced with nearly 300,000 miles) and my 11 second 85 Omni GLH Turbo....both street driven as all my cars have been.