to start modding this car. Picked up the car on Saturday, took a drive last night, saw how pathetic the stock lighting was, and popped in an old VVME 35w 5000k kit that I had leftover from a 2010 Ford Fusion company car I used to have. Yeah, it's not the greatest quality, but will do for now. It's hard to tell how the light disbursement is like since it's still daytime, but will check it out once the sun sets. It looks great in the garage though! Just placed an order for an OBDII bluetooth module so I can get rid of that annoying-nice person reverse beep. I knew this forum would be helpful!
Welcome, and congrats on the Prius. Now pop some LEDs in for the parking lights in the headlight housing to match your HID color temp. SCH-I535
do not know yet! Just drove around 50 miles since picking it up at the dealer. Filled up on the way and I'll do the old method of trip odometer/gallons at next fill-up.
for whayever reason toyota aimed them too low. it is easy to adjust the headlights up and it makes a world of difference.
My driver's side headlight was actually aimed a bit high for my tastes, and reduced the light output as a result. Cranked it down a bit and I think it's right where I want it to be.
Haha. I'm probably just a little more wary of how far down the light goes. I don't want to be that annoying jerk whose HID's are blinding fellow drivers. Suppose they could have been adjusted up high by a previous owner. I'm the third owner of this car after all.