This really makes me mad: (GENOA) — The latest sex-abuse case to rock the Catholic Church is unfolding in the archdiocese of an influential Italian Cardinal who has been working with Pope Benedict XVI on reforms to respond to prior scandals of pedophile priests. Father Riccardo Seppia, a 51-year-old parish priest in the village of Sastri Ponente, near Genoa, was arrested last Friday, May 13, on pedophilia and drug charges. Investigators say that in tapped mobile-phone conversations, Seppia asked a Moroccan drug dealer to arrange sexual encounters with young and vulnerable boys. "I do not want 16-year-old boys but younger. Fourteen-year-olds are O.K. Look for needy boys who have family issues," he allegedly said. Read more: Priest Sex-Abuse Case in Archdiocese of Benedict's Adviser - TIME
Nope, but it really upsets me that Catholics and leadership just accept the status quo due to being lemmings, and innocent children get trapped.
Is there any organization of size that does not have something scandalous like this going on? To be clear, I would never condone/be passive on child molestation.
yes, i'm outraged by the abuse scandal. but i'm not sure what you mean by acceptance. i think some older Catholics are ignorant or oblivious, possibly out of choice. but many are very upset and many have left the church. i couldn't agree with you more that leadership has not been pro active and basically has been dragged kicking and screaming to address the situation. reminds me of baseball where no one wanted to address the steroid issue. very parallel situations. of course, child abuse is much more serious, but it must be human nature to protect the guilty?
More or less... statistics say the probability of the occurrence of something amiss will be greater with larger populations...
unfortunately, child abuse seems to be rampant everywhere. the church may have unwittingly provided room and board for abusers and it grew unchecked like cancer. then, when they realized it, they were too embarrassed to bring light to it and tried to cover it up. maybe nixon was involved.
"I can't sleep with my priest anymore because of all the tossing and turning." - Zach Galifianakis eep:
Guess some of you got bored and needed to have a Catholic-bashing thread and somehow make it seem like the worst blight on Humankind...and what a few do to discredit everybody. Sex scandals, misuse of money, drug abuse happens all the time in all political parties in all countries. It happens in sports. It happens in corporations. It happens in secular no-profits such as the American Red Cross. You are fixated on attacking religion in general, but Christians and Catholics in's so monotonous it reminds me of the Star Trek Borg or zombies that repeat ad nauseum: "Must get at Catholics". In advance every post you and a few others post will fixate on that at all costs and NEVER acknowledge good counter-points. It really does not bother you about suicide bombers in Pakistan that kill dozens, how the Taliban treat women, or Ratko Maldic will be tried for killing many thousands in the Balkans (250,000 in that war?) Just spend hours obsessing on what you despise and pretend it's worse than Ratko, the Taliban, suicide bombers....
A bit defensive there are we Chuck? This issue has been big for the Catholic church for a long time, it's been very public, yet their efforts (whatever those might be) have not been public. The church put themselves on a moral pedestal and yet allow this sort of thing to happen almost unchecked, not forcing the abusers out of the clergy, but simply moving them to other parishes. They need a very public and very loud reform. Perhaps a system something more in line with what the Boy Scouts of America uses--it doesn't 100% stop abuse, by any means, but it certainly makes it much more difficult and more likely that any abusers will be reported and stopped. While other places where abuse occurs may not be as well spotlighted, it is, most likely, b/c those organizations haven't somehow claimed some moral superiority, when an organization does than, then shows that they are not, actually, morally superior in any way then people are going to take notice. *edit- Let me add, the people who should be the MOST outraged are Catholics--this sort of thing reflects upon them in a very negative way. The members should demand change--be that by not donating to the church, refusing to show up for services, sending angry letters to the Pope, changing churches, whatever it takes.
right. and that has happened here in the boston area and in many other parts of the country and world. unfortunately, the heirarchy are very slow to move. they did commision an independent study at a university (non catholic) who came up with a report on how abuse came about and how to prevent it. hopefully, they will begin to implement it quickly.
Evan, In no way was I attempting to say a blind eye be given to the Catholic Church or go easy with them. I am just pointing out a few of the same members are harping on stories like this to imply all religion is bad....the Rapture prediction is old news so I guess this one....looking at a pattern at FHOP bigger than this thread. Anyone notice threads like this of nature by a handful of members but directed at secular institutions don't pop up on FHOP? (can't speak for FPHOP) Again, the the priests molesting the children need to be punished along with those in the Church complicit with it.
I agree with you Chuck. Abuse is everywhere. Problem is the media likes to sensationalize the issue. We catholics are the ones to hate right now.
Yeah, speaking of organizations (DNC) that put themselves on a moral pedestal and allowing similar things like this to happen! Ha! Let's consider the homosexual pedophile Gerry Studds (D-MA) he was bad enough but then the D's promote him after the scandal to committee chairmanships and he's reelected six more times after he turns his back on the House as they censured him? LOL! Morals? :noidea: Those in glass houses. I wonder what the incidence of molestation is in the medical community and how they handle it? Pediatrician who molested 470 children and raped 103 . . . WoW! 470! That would take most Priest's a while to match, eh?