Hello, all. See attached image. Any mechanics out there who can comment on this repair report for a 2008 with 84K miles? How does water get in the spark plug wells and does it indicate some larger issue? Thanks.
Yep Travis knocked it. There was a tsb a long time ago to replace the seal that would keep water from getting under the rubber seal and the first place it drips is the top of the engine and somehow it gets into the spark plug wells. The cowling water dam is where the water goes when it runs down the windshield. It collects in the dam where the windshield wipers are.Every time I wash my G2 I make sure that drain is open by holding the hose on the windshield. If you put alot of water in that dam it should pour out of behind each front wheel very strongly. If not there leaf clogged. Sometimes happens if you leave a a boatload of leaves in that well all the time. Most people do. Anyway on the edge of that dam right above the engine there's black rubber gasket seal. Lift it up with your fingers. If its not glued down theirs the leak if the dam is full of leaves.
Found a video on cleaning the cowling drains. There are obvious places to clean but also some non-obvious ones: