Man, I cannot wait for spring. I have spent the winter reading up on car detailing, acquiring another mountain of supplies and equipment including an orbital buffer, and a I can't use any of it. I have fixed the problems in my Enterprise -A model, designed a new web page, designed a logo, and spent far too much time on-line than is healthy. I WANT SPRING !!! Of course I still have my taxes to do . . .
hehehe. It warmed up on ONE weekend (up to 8°C). I took that opportunity to wash and wax the car. Thank goodness cause a few days later up in the mountain, the car was covered with 10cm of snow. Most of which slid off thanks to the wax.
Uh, orbital buffer? Or dual action polisher? (you should have bought the polisher and several different pads and bonnets.)
Got the Ultimate Detailing Machine, 3 different pads, bonnets, detailing brushes. I have at least 2 brands of almost every category of cleaner, polisher and protector. 3 inches snow today followed by freezing rain, ice, slush, etc. Inventoried all my detailing supplies and caegorized them and listed them on a spreadsheet. Man, I really need spring.
But it's just one more day until pitchers and catchers. Hope the grief counselors were of some help to your nation.