Hi. Do Viper keyless remotes act like my 2012 Toyota Prius proximity key remote? The functionality where I can 'press to start' the car when the proximity key is inside the vehicle? Or will I still be required to carry my Prius's proximity key at the same time as the Viper remote (Viper 4608v)?
I have the older model Viper with Remote start. Yes, you will have to carry the key and you will need a bypass with the Viper. IF you don't want to carry the key. The factory FOB can unlock and lock your alarm but doesn't give you that 1 mile range. Without the bypass when you use the factory remote to open your door the Viper will set off the alarm. You can start your car up to 1000 ft. Good to turn on AC vs 80 ft with FOB with AC button. I love it. Hope that help. Make sure you get a good installer. Not all installer have access to Viper knowledge base.