I see a lot of posts often on the same subject and wonder how many people are aware of the "View New Posts" Link on the upper right area of the site. This is a great way to view all the new posts since your last visit. Not only is it the best way to stay current on all the latest topics, it's also a great way to see what new stuff is there, so we don't end up with 5 threads of the same topic. When we end up with so many topics, not everyone replies to the same topic, so we don't always get the same good interactions.
Yep, know it's there, just don't know for how long. It seems to change location frequently, without any notice. Perhaps that's why people don't use it!
I just started using it the last couple of days, after being here a couple of months. It provides too much efficiency, cutting my PC time in half.
It 's last move was from the Navagation area to My Controls. Don't remember just where it was in the old program but it has moved several times in the last two years. Looks like the move from Navagation was around Nov 11. http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=12422&hl=new+posts Others have noticed it's various past locations. http://priuschat.com/index.php?showtopic=10121&hl=new+posts
I liked it better when it was in the Navigation area. I could click on it and it would log me in and take me to the new messages with one click. Now it takes a separate login followed by a click on new messages. Not a lot of extra work but definitely not as good as the one-click solution.