I just got my first oil change for my 2021 Prius Prime Limited Blue Magnetism the day before yesterday. I always park my car away from all the other cars in the parking lots. This is what I did last night. The car was waxed, with not even a single little scratch. Today, when I opened my garage door, I was shocked to discover this.
facepalm. ...gotta love humans. complete aholes. Sorry to see. Hope you can figure out the person responsible.
Wow that blows! Luckily it doesn't look like they damaged your parking sensors at least. But that light will need to be replaced. I would hate to make an insurance claim so soon after getting the car. But who knows maybe the fixture is DIYable and all you need is to repaint that quarter panel? Or find the culprit and have their insurance pay for it.
A white bumper appears to have done that, about 17" roughly off the ground. keep an eye out for a white sedan type-ish car with blue on its bumper, unless you were parked at a mall, in which case never mind. The impact goes all the way from the back of the bumper to the curvature on the left side, must've been a really botched park job attempt in the next spot. Really sorry to see this.
I doubt I will be able to find the culprit unless I see a white vehicle with blue paint smudge on it in the same parking lot. I checked the parts. Left rear turn-signal assembly: $305.73 https://parts.culvercitytoyota.com/p/Toyota_2021_Prius-Prime/Turn-Signal-Light-Left--Rear/69100766/8154147010.html Black rubber bumper cover: $158.87 https://parts.culvercitytoyota.com/p/Toyota_2021_Prius-Prime/Bumper-Cover-Rear/69089644/5245347030.html Bumper cover, paint required: $195.65 https://parts.culvercitytoyota.com/p/Toyota_2021_Prius-Prime/Bumper-Cover-Rear/69089647/5215947919.html Rear bumper appliqué: $44.85 https://parts.culvercitytoyota.com/p/Toyota__Prius-Prime/Rear-Bumper-Applique/69550549/PT74747170.html Total cost of the parts plus tax: $777.37 So, with the paint job for the unpainted bumper cover and labor, it is about $1,000 at the minimum. My insurance deductible is $500. The parking ultrasound sensors and blind-spot monitor radar are probably OK.
Thanks. It appears that someone grazed it with the right corner of their front bumper when they were trying to enter the spot to my left. It's unbelievable that they have such poor skills maneuvering in a wide-open parking lot with few cars parked in. It's a strip mall I visit three times a week. Hopefully, I will catch it.
Believe or not but a great deal of the white marks will buff out. The dark areas won’t. I’d replace the light, hit the dark spots with touch up paint, and call it a day (and not be in a good mood for quite some time). I had a similar thing happen to my then new 1999 Mazda truck and also didn’t notice it till the next day. Grrrrr!!! Later during lunch, I was venting to a co-worker when another co-worker overheard the story and sheepishly stepped up and admitted their 16 yo daughter had done it. They made it right. GOOD LUCK!
OH NO! I feel your pain. Sorry for the damage, but more sorry for the anguish and inconvenience you have to endure. By pure coincidence, a very similar thing just happened to my PP. That is the parking lot hit-and-run. Mine is on the passenger side front quarter panel and doors. Mostly surface scuff and scratches but one spot with a noticeable dent. The problem is my wife was driving the car all day and we did not notice the damage until the next day, just like you. And from my wife's recollection of where she visited, it could have been one of the three or four places she parked on that day. No chance of finding a culprit. I am trying to get my insurance company to take care of the repair now. What a pain.
So sorry to hear both of your stories... I have been there, people are a**holes. My Gen 2 was prone to hit & run; I had at least 3 significant incidents (and MANY door dings) over 10 years, despite always being picky where I park (usually far away), only to come out with my car surrounded by others, and often with a "souvenir". I had a similar incident as the OP when the car was ~4 months old, when I came out of a Walmart only to find my rear passenger bumper popped out and a large scrape on the rear corner. Same deal, someone who had no parking skills and bolted. However, since the Gen 2 had the lights higher up, I didn't have to replace any expensive assemblies, just some paint damage, and the bumper popper back in. Took it to a body shop and would have been several hundred dollars to fully repaint, and took his advice and just used touch up paint since "it will likely happen again sometime". So I just did the touchup paint thing and accepted my new car had an ugly DIY repair and moved on with my life. In subsequent years, my car was a magnet for door dings, including a couple that were >8" in length (!) from windy days and people not holding their doors. Nobody ever left a note, or one of those neat "damage reported to police" stickers I would see on other cars with less significant damage than I got... My best advice is to invest in a quality 2-channel dash cam (front & rear, with a battery backup for parking), as it is worth every penny. You will spend $500~$1000 for it, but as you see now with the potential repair costs, if this nails one criminal who does hit & run, it will pay for itself. You also may help as a good Samaritan one day witnessing an accident, crime, etc. It's cheap "insurance-insurance" if you ask me, as it can prove your innocence and save a claim one day... (Seems the dashcam has also acted as a good luck charm and deterrent, as in the 6 years I have had my BlackVue dash cam (and 5 years with the PiP), the body panels remain essentially pristine. Hopefully I didn't just jinx myself... ) Good luck!
The moral of the story is... DO NOT PARK AT WALMART PARKING LOT. Yep, that was one of the places my wife visited on the day of "hit-and-run". And now I see this news... LOL No one injured in Walmart parking lot pileup involving 7 cars in Maine
Wow... indeed, the moral of the story I guess really is "don't go to Walmart". Interestingly, another event that happened one day in 2017 is my wife and I met at Walmart (there it is again...) to run some errands after work one day, so both the Leaf and Prius were there. It was a very windy day and both of our cars were hit by runaway shopping carts taking almost identical impacts, but the Prius fared much better. (however, I think the cart she took the impact on was missing the rubber corner guard on the cart... ). Whenever we meet somewhere, I try to park "nose to nose" so my dash cam watches both cars. To my earlier point, both were caught on my dash cam, unfortunately though there is nobody to hold accountable in this random scenario. She left before me, her car took the first impact and moments later my car was hit. She thought she caught the cart before hitting, but was actually the ricochet. Here are the videos from the dash cam: Leaf impact: PiP impact (volume up, impact is at 0:48):
Are you going through your insurance? My insurance has not gotten back to me with an estimate yet. They did not send me an adjuster to my home, instead, I took photos of the car and they are now working on the estimate based on them. In a meantime, I went to 4 different local body shops today for visual inspection and estimate as well as one body shop that did a virtual estimate with photos. Well, I knew there would be some variations, but the lowest was $850 and the highest was $3200. Since I am using my insurance, the cheapest is not the best. Whatever the cost, repairing correctly would be the best. I have to see what the insurance company estimate is going to be... If it is lower than the lowest estimate I got so far, then, what should I do???
I had a similar repair to the OP cept on the other side, that I did myself summer before last. Same parking lot hit and run thing for me too. The scratches of the bumper cover weren't very noticeable, but the crack in the taillight was big enough, so I ordered a new one and put it in there. I found the bumper cover had a broken upper mount for the taillight and repaired that too. The deer incident I mentioned in CHG mode vs HV mode a few days ago, is getting me the end run by my insurance. The agent handling the claim even mentioned during our phone conversation yesterday, asking me if I wanted to close out the claim, after I'd told him several times to issue the check. Gotta love how some insurance companies handle even the simple stuff. They even screwed me on the rental that they setup in advance, making me have to rent (because of pressure from the signif other to get a rental for yesterday) from anyone that had an available car. And that was another learning (if you want to use that terms as a eupher) to the tune of $350 for a 2 day rental, early return, when the 7 day rental was $412 with added full coverage included. The positives are that I'll be getting in some more paintless dent repair practice, I've already replaced the broken driver side rearview mirror, that is why the wife wanted a rental. Was pretty easy after getting the relevant info from techstream, plus learned a bit more about the inner workings of the car during this subscription. The dealer body shop estimate for the deer damage was between 3 and 4 grand, plus there's always the possibility the body shop will find other damage to charge for. Anyway, I've already spent around 500 and will get as much of the dents out of the car as I can with my paintless dent repair skills as they are, and try to locate a shop that can finish up the last 10% of the hardest parts of the repair, I don't have the skills or equipment to finish up. I hope both you guys have better luck with your insurance (,,!,,) than I got from mine. will post pics of the mirror replacement and some hair of the deer in my rear door handle, grrrrrr
So what made the insurance company not cover the cost of the repair? I had very good luck with my insurance company, GEICO, so far. I have had wreck twice on HCH, front glass replaced on PP, and most recently had road service to tow our SUV for over 50 miles.
I can't read the minds of the people handling the claim. And I'm not going to give further details about what there problems appeared to be from my perspective. as that would just be conjecture Why do you ask?