I just bought a 2003 prius, cheap, thank god, with 114k. She thought it had problems, but haven't had any that stuck until now (the triangle came on a couple times for a short period, then seemed to reset itself after turning the car off and the engine light was on, codes according to autozone were pvc valve related and haven't come back on since clearing them 100 mi ago). Now it has started to shudder like going over a rumble strip, reverse or forward, from 0-3ish mph, cold or hot. It's not ice, no codes, I've put 700mi on it so far, runs great, getting 46mpg in town, no engine vibration, mounts are good. I've search dozens of posts, Eric1234's post "vibration from take off" was the same situation, but no resolution. My guess is the mg2 is faultering because of insulation degradation from lack of proper fluid changes. I cannot get any verbal info from last owner regarding this maintaince issue. Questions: 1. What's your guess? 2. Does changing fluid buy any time? 3. Where's the pvc located? Thanks for your help and ideas!