Was wondering if anyone has taken their v in for the exhaust gas actuator recall and been diagnosed as NOT needing replacement ? Any and all work performed at a dealership scares me to no end...no matter how basic, you've all read, or experienced yourself the lack of care by these folks, they can't even get an oil change right.
I had mine done, today. The mechanic took down the entire exhaust system from the exhause manifold to the muffler. Mine is the first one he did. He had the instructions on the bench. the cooling system was opened, refilled and purged of air. I did 23 years with the US Justice Department reviewing technical procedures, including manufacturing and service procedures in the aerospace and aircraft industry. You'd be surprised how sloppy and lack of attention to detail in some of these negligence cases. I retired in 2001, and have not since been on an airplane, since then. Fortunately, there are so many redundant systems in aircraft and 50% "overdesign" in airplanes. Still, it has scared me to the point that I will probable fly again.
I'm tempted to roll the dice with this recall and just drive it, or at least wait for the dealer to get a few more under their belt. I'm probably being overly paranoid having this fixed, it's just the nightmare experience with my FJ Cruiser I had with a local Toyota dealer that keeps me as far away as possible from dealerships as possible, thankfully most required service I can do myself.
Just think, The majority of airline passengers fly with "ignorant bliss." As well as most car owners. I NEVER took a flight when they said that there was a "mechanical delay." Most times, it was their way of covering up a "bomb" scare.
I'm in the same boat as you. I'm going to wait. I wish we could pick and choose the tech who was going to work on our cars. Then word would get around that, e.g., toyotechwv was "the man" and we could schedule time for him to do the work. Our dealers don't give us that option, however. I have had only one bad experience with a Toyota dealer's shop. I had an irritating rattle in my Sienna. They itinially replaced an unbroken part (over $200) before they determined a different part was to blame. They only charged me for the first visit (and the more expensive part), however.
I wouldn't take a stereotype personally. Those are started for the people make the huge mistakes. We don't know why it happened but it did. I've seen some slave driving, speed driven shops where it sounds like boot camp. I'd probably make a mistake in that environment too. I don't work that way myself but some can and like it. There are tons of reasons for huge mistakes. Then there are really sloppy uncaring people in the world too in every profession. (stopped working at dealerships after I got out of school.) I had a person working for me (non car related) that was a great worker and did his job well until the day his toddler was diagnosed with cancer but if I wasn't aware of the specifics I'd probably lump him into uncaring. We don't know the people and roll the dice on who we get doing the work and hope they have experience with our issue. It's simple fear of putting our 30k investment and safety in the hands of a stranger. That's tough especially with bad experiences or inside knowledge. It's just the other side of the equation. Coming from a family of airline types I have no illusions about flying but I also know when it's my time I'm done. I haven't lost a single family member to an airline accident and one delivers planes across the country for repair. Life is short, enjoy it! W
There isn't a big difference between an untrained idiot and a well trained tech that's just flagging as many hours as possible and doesn't take pride in his work. I have no doubt there are many well trained, meticulous tech's out there, as I'm sure you are ToyoTech, I wish I could bring my car to you. Unfortunately when you bring your car in for service you just don't know if the shop veteran that takes pride in his work is fixing your car, or the rookie with a hangover that should have called in sick. I'm reasonably sure there's a tech or two at your dealership that you wouldn't want touching your car Toyo. I personally had a nightmare experience with a local dealer as I said earlier, and two folks I know had similar experiences with this dealer, one had a wheel come loose when lugs wern't tightened after a rotation, the other had his oil drain plug stripped...pretty simple tasks with major safety implications.
Here's an example for you ToyoTech...I rest my case. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...12-crap-2-dealers-put-wrong-oil-into-car.html
I have had nothing but exceptional work done at my Toyota dealer (including some basic work done by them on my Tesla). If you had a bad experience, that sucks. If the dealer didn't fix it, find a new dealer. But don't paint them all with the same brush.