It certainly is interesting, but i have to wonder about its validity. Some of my musing along these lines (in no particular order): - It would be nearly impossible for us to rise up against our government like we did against Great Britain. First, there is so much more involved in military forces than there used to be. It would be impossible to successfully throw off our government without at least half of the military working with the people. Additionally, back then all of the control was emanating from England, which was really far away. now, it's all in Washington, just a few hour plane ride from the rest of the contiguous US. - It would be highly unlikely that the citizens would rise up against the government here in the US. Even with the reasons he cited, there's always that chance for change right around the corner. Unlike England so long ago, we aren't ruled by a king and other nobility. Our period of elections and restrictions on terms (at least for the presidency) would lead most potential dissidents to just wait 4 years (or less) until the next election cycle. - If the government enacted measures along these lines, i think it would only make the problem worse, not better. It's stripping us of certain freedoms, and most likely would turn the entire US population against the government. Any true uprising would probably start with fringe states (meaning those on the US borders) - Alaska, Hawaii, Maine, etc - declaring their independence. If the turmoil became great enough, it's possible that the military wouldn't be able to effectively respond. The dissolution of the US would have to work its way inwards - no central state is going to try to succeed, as they would literally be surrounded.
The battle today is actually a fight for loyalty, through similarity of belief and vilification of those unlike ourselves. It's one of subdivision. Once we're divided, it makes it that much more difficult for us to coalesce again, and "rise up" it's been called. The control over the citizenry is already so great that I don't think the powers that be would ever *allow* things to degenerate to such a level of violence in the first place.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eagle33199 @ Oct 17 2007, 01:25 PM) [snapback]526983[/snapback]</div> Doesn't surprise me at all. During the Iran Contra investigation ,Oliver Norths plans to install martial law came to light. What scares me the most ,is that almost all the gun owners are conservatives.
What a load of crap. Nowhere in the document does it say it it a plan for anti-insurgency to be used against the people of the United States. <_< What next? Is he going to get his hands on a US Army field manual and twist it around to where the part that say, " . . . line up the target in the scope and squeeze the trigger . . ." as proof that the US Military has a clandestine operation to kill American citizens? In his pre-document ramblings he states: "Even if the government recalled ALL military members from around the entire world, they would have a force of only about two million. 95 million gun owners versus 2 million troops. I think we all know how this would turn out: the government would be slaughtered. In fact, if only ten percent of the 95 million gun owners had guts enough to fight, we would still outnumber the military almost 3:1." . . . just what makes him think that, oh, let's say, 80% of the 95 million gun owners wouldn't have enough guts to fight FOR our government! :lol: . . . oh, that's right . . . a conspiracy theorist. I have a gun. I have the guts to fight to protect our government . . . no matter who is elected president. Been there, done that.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Oct 17 2007, 04:14 PM) [snapback]527085[/snapback]</div> I seriously doubt if we will still be holding elections at that point. The scenario is another terrorist attack occurs and Bush declares martial law suspending the Constitution( and elections). He then implements further tyranny. Are you willing to take up arms against a conservative government? Or are you thinking Hillary would be the most likely dictator .
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Oct 17 2007, 05:14 PM) [snapback]527085[/snapback]</div> something tells me there would be few if any military members fighting for the govt to control the people in the first place.