I believe the Gen 3's got a modified intake at some point -- I'm I correct? If so when did this occur and what was the modification ?
Somewhere around 2012 and all they did was reduce its volume . It does not help te cold start knock symptoms . But that’s the change.
At least they put their effort into relocating the egr cooler inlet downstream of the cat for the Gen4. Hopefully that effort wasn’t pointless .
what was the point of the reduced volume ? I was surprised how much junk was in the intake -- mine was basically not working .. only #2 had a bit open.
My speculation is reduced volume with the same air flow leads to less residence time or less ability for the egr return material to collect.
As of 2021, my dealer parts guy says there are now 4 versions of the intake manifold. Mine still being the original first version for 2010, is there any reason to upgrade to version 4? I have the intake off and cleaned but not sure if it is worth $ to replace. He mentioned something about plastic pcs coming loose inside the intake in older versions?? I would only consider it if the upgrade reduced egr clogging issues or general engine performance improvement. Physically mine seems to be in good shape, at least what I can see of it internally. Thanks for any reply.