My habit is to use Waze for my rather long commute. But I just got a 2018 Prius Prime+, and thought I'd try the navigation. When I invoke it, it offers me various routes, with ETAs for each. But they are wildly off the mark - they don't seem to take traffic into account at all. When I actually use the car's nav, it is aware of traffic and tells me when it is building up ahead, for instance. Why not when I first turn it on? That's when I'm going to pick a route after all. I think I've set all the settings to see traffic via HD, and I use Entune (if that has anything to do with it...). I welcome any suggestions! Thanks
in my wife's Sienna (awesome van, BTW), we use the navigation... and although it is pretty good.. the times are usually off. I'm anxious to try Waze on our upcoming Disney trip.