... For what its worth under the hands of the instructor the car pulled a 65.XX run.. The S2000 just barely pulled a 64 Second run and the STi was warming up and got a 66.. There were a couple of RX7 FC's and FD3's that were doing ~ 65-67 as well
Nice!!! It's remarkable how much disrespect the Prius gets. Funny story: I called up a performance/race shop that specializes in Subaru's to schedule an alignment. When I told him what kind of car I had, his response was "you know we do performance alignments, right?" I had to explain that I modded my suspension in order to improve the handling. He was very curious if there was a market for Prius modding. I told him there were a few of us around. Anyway, I took my care to them. I'm not sure they were aware, but I have a dash cam. These guys are a bunch of car nuts. Being the first Prius that they have had their hands on the comments were priceless. I would love to post the videos, but I'm hesitant due to their privacy. They were like a kid in the candy store! Comments that could be heard: Upon pulling into the shop: "It's soooo quiet" Trying to get on the rack: "Is it going to rub? I never thought I would say that about a Prius." The shop owner playing with the steering controls to see my MPG: "Lot's of room...Cool, it's like 3D...51 MPG...My car gets 14-16 on a good day.." Hopefully I moved the needle of Prius respect a bit with the car community...
Respect is earned. FWIW, I think that you DID move the needle, and it's nice to see. Too many times people are bitching and moaning about not getting any respect 'out there' rather than getting into the scrap and trying to earn some. Thanks.
Question: Did you find that starting your run with more charge on the battery gauge result in quicker times or negligible?