"Australian shops ration booze to foil hoarders amid virus shutdowns" So my mind read, 'Australian shops ration booze to <aluminum> foil hoarders amid virus shutdowns'. So I had this mental image of people standing in line to get their ration of grog because they are aluminum foil hoarders. Meanwhile, the door is barricaded by "Virus Closed." <sigh> Bob Wilson
The headline that kept giving me double-takes recently was this one: Video from 2015 shared as woman commits suicide in US due to coronavirus infection - Alt News which I kept reading as "while someone in the US with COVID was committing suicide, somebody was sharing a 2015 video??" ... when what they meant was the 2015 video was presented as recent video of a New Yorker with COVID .... Really just using 'committing' instead of 'commits' would have fixed it.
I think I've been a little stuck up lately about taking everything seriously. But I love this sign. It's hilarious And how can you criticize it too much? It get's the message out. Recently I think the standard public service like announcement, to simply wash your hands thoroughly and for 20 seconds just get's ignored. This get's attention, a laugh and a real message across....good work.